If the remote desktop operating system stops responding, you can restart the remote desktop. Restarting a remote desktop is similar to using the Windows operating system restart command. The remote desktop operating system usually prompts you to save any unsaved data before it restarts.

You can restart a remote desktop only if a Horizon administrator has enabled the restart feature for the remote desktop and the remote desktop is powered on. You can restart only one remote desktop at a time.


  • Use the Restart command.
    From the desktop selector screen Right-click the desktop icon or click the [] button next to the desktop icon, and select Restart.
    From the Session Management Center

    Click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector screen, open the Session Management Center, select the remote desktop session, and click Restart.

    You can also open the Session Management Center by right-clicking the remote desktop icon in the shelf and clicking Session Management Center.

    Note: A remote desktop session does not appear in the Session Management Center unless you connect to and then disconnect from the remote desktop.


The operating system in the remote desktop restarts and the client disconnects and logs out from the remote desktop.

What to do next

Wait an appropriate amount of time for the system to restart before you attempt to reconnect to the remote desktop.