With the Real-Time Audio-Video feature, if multiple webcams or microphones are connected to the local client system, only one of the devices is used in the remote desktop or published application. To specify which webcam or microphone is preferred, you can configure Real-Time Audio-Video settings in Horizon Client for Chrome.

If it is available, the preferred webcam or microphone is used in the remote desktop or published application. If the preferred webcam or microphone is not available, another webcam or microphone is used.


  • Verify that a USB webcam or USB microphone, or other type of microphone, is installed and operational on the local client system.
  • Connect to a server.


  1. Click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window and scroll down to the Real-Time Audio-Video settings.
  2. From the Preferred microphone drop-down menu, select a preferred microphone.
  3. From the Preferred webcam drop-down menu, select a preferred webcam.


The next time you start a remote desktop or published application, the preferred webcam or microphone that you selected is redirected to the remote session.