When you are using published applications in Kiosk mode, you must use the Session Management Center to perform certain tasks.

  • To open the Session Management Center window, click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window and click Open next to Session Management Center. If you have a remote desktop session open, you must close the remote desktop session before you can access the desktop and application selector window.
  • To restore a minimized published application in Kiosk mode, select the published application session and click the Restore button in the Session Management Center window.
  • To switch published applications in Kiosk mode, select the published application session and click the Restore button in the Session Management Center window.
  • To close the Session Management Center window in Kiosk mode, click the close (X) button in the upper-right corner of the Session Management Center window.

How to Automatically Launch a Kiosk Application on a Chrome OS Device

Users operating in Kiosk mode might have pre-configured the Chrome client as an auto-launch app with default servers and applicationId or desktopId. Such users are immediately transitioned into their selected desktop or application without interfacing with the server or desktops and applications list page. The following section describe how to automatically launch a Kiosk app on a Chrome client device.


Ensure you have access to a managed Chrome OS device where the administrative controls, policies, and configurations can be centrally managed. Unmanaged Chrome OS devices or those without the proper administrative access might not support or correctly implement these policies.

Note: Ensure that the software of the Chrome OS device is regularly updated to the latest version of Chrome OS for optimal compatibility and security.
  1. Login to your Google Admin console with an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Apps & extensions > Kiosks.
    Note: To apply the setting, select the top organizational unit else select a child organizational unit.
  3. Set the chrome client app Installation policy to Installed.
  4. Choose the Chrome client app beside the Auto-launch app.

How to Configure Kiosk Application Policies

To provide the best user experience on your Chrome OS devices, configure the enableLogoutTriggeredQuit and enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit policies in the Chrome client to empower administrators to create an environment that mirrors the familiarity and simplicity of traditional systems, such as Windows, even on ChromeOS devices.

Using the enableLogoutTriggeredQuit and enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit policies in the Chrome client, provides an enhanced user experience to control the behavior of the client upon logout and disconnection.

The following section describe how to configure these policies to automatically launch a Kiosk app on a Chrome client device.


Ensure you have access to a managed Chrome OS device where the administrative controls, policies, and configurations can be centrally managed. Unmanaged Chrome OS devices or those without the proper administrative access might not support or correctly implement these policies.

Note: Ensure that the software of the Chrome OS device is regularly updated to the latest version of Chrome OS for optimal compatibility and security.
  1. Login to your Google Admin console with an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Apps & extensions > Kiosks.
    Note: To apply the setting, select the top organizational unit else select a child organizational unit.
  3. Click Additional settings.
  4. Configure the Chrome client application policies.
  5. Click Save.

Configuring Kiosk App Policy Priorities

The enableLogoutTriggeredQuit and enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit are Google Chrome client policies that enhance the user experience by controlling the client's behaviour after certain events.

  • When the enableLogoutTriggeredQuit policy is enabled, it instructs the chrome client to automatically close upon successful user logout.
  • When the enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit policy is enabled, it triggers the Chrome client to quit when all active desktops and applications are disconnected.

To achieve a harmonized loop of operations, you can integrate these policies with other settings such as the default server, default desktop or application, and auto-launch kiosk app.

  • When a user powers on their ChromeOS device, the Chrome Client starts automatically and connects to the designated default server without any inputs.
  • After successful authentication, the client navigates and connects to the default desktop or application. This process removes the need for users to search with list servers, application menus, or areas which they might not be familiar.
  • When a user logs out or disconnects from the session, the client application shuts down. The Chrome OS immediately reboots the Chrome client and is ready for another user to login.

You apply the policies to all servers or only specific servers. See How to Configure Kiosk Application Policies section to configure the Kiosk app policies. Use the following configuration to configure the policies in common-setting that applies to all servers:

  "broker_list": {
    "Value": {
      "settings": {
        "common-setting": {
          "enableLogoutTriggeredQuit": true,
          "enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit": true,

Use the following configuration to configure the policies for specific servers:

  "broker_list": {
    "Value": {
      "settings": {
        "server-list": [
            "server": "[BrokerServerAddress]",
            "enableLogoutTriggeredQuit": true,
            "enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit": true,

In case of a conflict between the settings configured in common-setting and the server-list, the settings in server-list takes precedence for that specific server. Ensure to follow the hierarchy as shown in the following configuration when configuring these policies to optimize the user experience:

After you auto-launch the Kiosk app on the Chrome OS device and configure the Kiosk app policies for the Horizon Client app, edit the following configuration to set the policy priorities between common-setting and server-list.

  "broker_list": {
    "Value": {
      "settings": {
        "server-list": [
            "server": "[BrokerServerAddress]",
            "username": "[loginUsername]",
            "default": true,
            "desktopID": "[defaultDesktopId]",
        "common-setting": {
          "enableLogoutTriggeredQuit": true,
          "enableDisconnectionTriggeredQuit": true,