Horizon Client can monitor the network quality during remote sessions and display a notification message if it detects network instability due to high latency. The network latency is measured in terms of the round-trip time (RTT) metric.

You can configure Horizon Client settings to control the display of these notification messages. You can also configure the threshold parameters used by Horizon Client to identify unstable networks.

Configure the Display of Network Notification Messages

To turn on and off notification messages, click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window and toggle the Disable network state display option.

Customize How Horizon Client Determines the Network Quality

To determine the quality of the network connection, Horizon Client compares the detected RTT value during a specified time interval to a pair of low and high threshold values and calculates a quality score from 0 through 100 percent. If the score falls below a certain percentage, the network is deemed to be high-latency and unstable.

Horizon Client uses the following rules to calculate the network quality score:

rtt = detected RTT value
lowBound = low threshold value
highBound = high threshold value
score = network quality score

If rtt >= highBound, then score = 0

If rtt <= lowBound, then score = 100

If lowBound < rtt < highBound, then score = 100 * ((rtt - lowBound) / (highBound - lowBound))

Horizon Client then uses the following rules to determine the network stability:

score = network quality score
thresholdGood = minimum score required to indicate good network stability
thresholdPoor = high limit of score range indicating poor network stability

If score >= thresholdGood, the network is considered good and no notification is displayed.

If thresholdPoor <= score < thresholdGood, the network is considered OK and no notification is displayed.

If score < thresholdPoor, the network is considered poor and a notification is displayed.

To customize the threshold values used by Horizon Client to calculate the network quality score and determine network stability, configure the networkStateConfig policy in the Google Admin settings, as described in Client Features.