With the URL Content Redirection feature, URL content can be redirected from the client machine to a remote desktop or published application (client-to-agent redirection), or from a remote desktop or published application to the client machine (agent-to-client redirection).

For example, an end user can click a link in the native Firefox browser on the client and the link opens in the remote Internet Explorer browser, or an end user can click a link in the remote Internet Explorer browser and the link opens in the native Firefox browser on the client machine. Any number of protocols can be configured for redirection, including HTTP, mailto, and callto.

Web browsers
You can type or click a URL in the following browsers and have that URL redirected.
  • Firefox 70.0 and later
  • Chrome 87.0.4280.88 and later (Official Build), 64-bit
Client system
You must configure the Linux client system to support the URL Content Redirection feature.
  • To use URL Content Redirection with the Firefox browser, you must enable the VMware Horizon URL Redirection Extension for Firefox. See the "Install and Enable the VMware Horizon URL Redirection Extension for Firefox on Linux" topic in the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.

    The first time a URL is redirected from the Firefox browser on the Linux client, the user is prompted to open the URL in Horizon Client. The user must select VMware Horizon Client and click Open Link, or URL redirection does not occur. If the user selects the option to remember this choice and always allow links to be opened with Horizon Client (recommended), the prompt does not appear again.

  • To use URL Content Redirection with the Chrome browser, you must install and enable the VMware Horizon URL Redirection Extension for Chrome. See the "Install and Enable the VMware Horizon URL Content Redirection Helper for Chrome on Linux" topic in the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.
Remote desktop or published application
A Horizon administrator must enable URL Content Redirection when Horizon Agent is installed. For information, see the Setting Up Virtual Desktops in Horizon or Setting Up Published Desktops and Applications in Horizon documents.
A Horizon administrator must also configure settings that specify how Horizon Client redirects URL content from the client to a remote desktop or published application, or how Horizon Agent redirects URL content from a remote desktop or published application to the client. For complete information, see the "Configuring URL Content Redirection" topic in the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document.