You can use command-line installation options to install Horizon Client on a Linux system.

Install Horizon Client silently by using the --console option along with other command-line options and environment variable settings. With silent installation, you can efficiently deploy Horizon components in a large enterprise.

The following table lists the options you can use when you run the VMware-Horizon-Client-YYMM-x.x.x-yyyyyyy.arch.bundle installer file.
Table 1. Linux Command-Line Installation Options
Option Description
--help Displays usage information.
--console Enables you to use the command-line installer in a Terminal window.
--custom Shows all installation questions, even if default answers have been scripted, such as, for example, by using the --set-setting options.

The default is --regular, which means show only questions that do not have a default answer.

--eulas-agreed Agrees to the end-user license agreement.
--gtk Opens the GUI-based VMware installer, which is the default option. If the GUI cannot be displayed or loaded for any reason, console mode is used.
--ignore-errors or -I Allows the installation to continue even if there is an error in one of the installer scripts. Because the section that has an error does not complete, the component might not be properly configured.
--regular Shows installation questions that have not been answered before or are required. This option is the default.
--required Shows the license agreement prompt only and then proceeds to install the client.

The default is --regular, which means show only questions that do not have a default answer.

--set-setting vmware-horizon-html5mmr html5mmrEnable yes Installs the HTML5 multimedia redirection component.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-integrated-printing vmipEnable yes Installs the VMware Integrated Printing component.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-media-provider mediaproviderEnable yes Installs the VMware Horizon Virtualization Pack for Skype for Business component.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-mmr mmrEnable yes Installs the multimedia redirection (MMR) feature.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-rtav rtavEnable yes Installs the ​ Real-Time Audio-Video component.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-scannerclient scannerEnable yes Installs the scanner redirection feature.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-serialportclient serialportEnable yes Installs the serial port redirection feature.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-smartcard smartcardEnable yes Installs the smart card component.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-tsdr tsdrEnable yes Installs the client drive redirection feature.
--set-setting vmware-horizon-usb usbEnable yes Installs the USB redirection feature.
--stop-services Do not register and start installed services.
In addition to the options listed in the table, you can set the following environment variables.
Table 2. Linux Environment Variable Installation Settings
Variable Description
TERM=dumb Displays a basic text UI.
VMWARE_EULAS_AGREED=yes Allows you to silently accept the product EULAs.
VMIS_LOG_LEVEL=value Use one of the following values for value:
  • INFO

Log information is recorded in /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-installer-pid.log.

Silent Installation Commands

Following is an example of how to install Horizon Client silently, and, for each component, the example specifies whether to install that component.

sudo env TERM=dumb VMWARE_EULAS_AGREED=yes \

./VMware-Horizon-Client-YYMM-x.x.x-yyyyyyy.arch.bundle --console \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-usb usbEnable no \
--set-setting vmware-horizon-smartcard smartcardEnable no \
--set-setting vmware-horizon-rtav rtavEnable yes \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-tsdr tsdrEnable yes \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-scannerclient scannerEnable yes \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-serialportclient serialportEnable yes \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-mmr mmrEnable yes \

--set-setting vmware-horizon-media-provider mediaproviderEnable yes

This next example shows how to perform a silent installation of Horizon Client using the default settings.

sudo env TERM=dumb VMWARE_EULAS_AGREED=yes \
./VMware-Horizon-Client-YYMM-x.x.x-yyyyyyy.arch.bundle --console --required