Horizon Client sends USB information to log files.

To specify the USBD log level, add the following parameter in one of the configuration files.
view-usbd.logLevel = "value" 
Use one of the following values for value.
  • trace
  • info
  • debug
  • error
The configuration files are in the following locations and processed in the order listed:
  1. /usr/lib/vmware/config
  2. /etc/vmware/config
  3. ~/.vmware/config
For troubleshooting purposes, you can increase the amount of information sent to USB-specific logs by using the following commands:
  1. Stop the USB arbitrator daemon.
    # sudo /etc/init.d/vmware-USBArbitrator stop
  2. Restart the USB arbitrator daemon using the verbose option.
    # sudo /usr/lib/vmware/view/usb/vmware-usbarbitrator -verbose

The default USB arbitrator log file is located in /var/log/vmware/vmware-usbarb-<pid>.log, where <pid> is the process id for the USB arbitrator daemon.

To get a list of usage information, use the following command:

# sudo /usr/lib/vmware/view/usb/vmware-usbarbitrator -h