You can download and run a Debian (.deb) installer for Horizon Client from the VMware Downloads page. To upgrade Horizon Client, you first uninstall the existing version from the client system and then run the installer for the new version.

Note: The Debian installer and bundle installer conflict with each other, and you must choose only one installer type. Horizon Client does not support mixed installations that involve using both the Debian installer and the bundle installer on the same client system.


  • Verify that the client system runs a supported operating system. See System Requirements for Linux Client Systems.
  • Verify that you have root access on the client system.
  • Verify that VMware Workstation is not installed on the client system.
  • If you plan to use the RDP display protocol to connect to a remote desktop, verify that you have the appropriate RDP client installed. See System Requirements for Linux Client Systems.
  • If you are using a thin client, confirm that libgtk 3.14 or later is installed on the system. If needed, obtain version 3.14 or later of the libgtk library and install it on the thin-client system.

Installation Procedure

The Debian installer allows you to install the following features of Horizon Client on a Debian-based system:

  • Core client features, including the ability to connect to remote desktops and applications
  • Serial port redirection
  • Scanner redirection

The following limitations apply to the Debian installer:

  • You must use the default installation path encoded in the installer. Custom installation paths are not supported.
  • The Debian installer and bundle installer conflict with each other. Horizon Client does not support mixed installations that involve using both the Debian installer and the bundle installer on the same client system.

Use the following procedure to download and run the installer.

  1. On the Linux client system, download the Horizon Client Debian installer file from the Horizon Client Product Downloads page at

    The name of the file is VMware-Horizon-Client-YYMM-x.x.x-yyyyyyy.x64.deb.

    In the installer filename, YYMM represents the marketing version number, x.x.x represents the internal version number, and yyyyyyy represents the build number.

  2. In a Terminal window, run the installer using the package manager of your choice (commonly dpkg or apt).

You can find log information about the installation in /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-installer-pid.log.

Start Horizon Client and verify that you can log in to the correct virtual desktop. See Connect to a Remote Desktop or Published Application.