You can turn on the ability to open local files in published applications directly from the local file system.

If you select a local file and press Control-click, the Open With menu lists the available published applications. You can also open a local file by dragging it into the published application window or Dock icon.

If you set a published application as the default application for files that have a certain file extension, all files on your local file system that have that file extension are registered with the server. You can also turn on the ability to run published applications from the Applications folder.

Note: If a file name contains characters that are invalid in the Windows file system, you cannot open the file in a published application. For example, you cannot open a file named test2<.txt in Notepad.


To open local files in published applications, a Horizon administrator must enable the client drive redirection feature.


  1. Connect to a server.
  2. Click the Settings button (gear icon) in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window and select Applications in the left pane.
  3. To turn on the ability to open local files with published applications from the local file system, select Open local files in hosted applications.
  4. To turn on the ability to run published applications from the Applications folder on the client system, select Run hosted applications from your local Applications folder.