A USB printer is a printer that is attached to a USB port on the local client system. You can send print jobs to a USB printer attached to the local client system from a remote desktop.

You can use either the USB redirection feature or the VMware Integrated Printing feature to print to a USB printer from a remote desktop. Redirected USB printers and virtual printers can work together without conflict.

Using the USB Redirection Feature

To use the USB redirection feature to attach a USB printer to a virtual USB port in a remote desktop, the required printer drivers must be installed in the remote desktop as well as on the client system.

When you use the USB redirection feature to redirect a USB printer, the USB printer is no longer logically attached to the physical USB port on the local client system and it does not appear in the list of local printers on the local client system. You can print to the USB printer from the remote desktop, but you can no longer print to the USB printer from the local client system.

In a remote desktop, redirected USB printers appear as <printer_name>.

For more information, see Use USB Devices.

Using the VMware Integrated Printing Feature

When you use the VMware Integrated Printing feature to send print jobs to a USB printer, you can print to the USB printer from both the remote desktop and the local client system and you do not need to install printer drivers in the remote desktop.

To use the VMware Integrated Printing feature with a remote desktop or published application, a Horizon administrator must enable the feature.

For more information, see Set Printing Preferences for the VMware Integrated Printing Feature.