With Horizon Agent 7.7 and later, you can drag and drop files and folders between the Windows client system and remote desktops and published applications. You can drag and drop multiple files and folders at the same time. A progress bar shows the status of the drag and drop operation.

If you drag a file or folder between the client system and a remote desktop, the file or folder appears in the file system on the target system. If you drag a file and drop it into an open application, such as Notepad, the text appears in the application. If you drag a file into a new email message, the file becomes an attachment to the email message.

By default, dragging and dropping from the client system to remote desktops and published applications is enabled, and dragging and dropping from remote desktops and published applications to the client system is disabled. A Horizon administrator can control the drag and drop direction by configuring group policy settings.

Dragging and dropping files and folders requires that the client drive redirection feature is enabled in both Horizon Client and Horizon Agent. For information about configuring client drive redirection in Horizon Client, see Share Access to Local Folders and Drives with Client Drive Redirection. To enable client drive redirection in Horizon Agent, select the Client Drive Redirection option during Horizon Agent installation. For complete information about configuring the drag and drop feature, including feature requirements, see the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon document for your VMware Horizon version.