Users that have poor eyesight or high-resolution screens, such as 4K monitors, generally have scaling enabled by setting the DPI (Dots Per Inch) on the client system to greater than 100 percent. The DPI setting controls the size of the text, apps and icons. A lower DPI setting makes them appear smaller and a higher setting makes them appear bigger. With the Display Scaling feature, remote desktops and published applications support the client system's scaling setting and appear normal-sized rather than very small.

Horizon Client compares the DPI setting that it receives from the remote desktop or published application to the client system's DPI setting. If the DPI settings do not match, and the Display Scaling feature is enabled, Horizon Client calculates the scale factor. For example, if a remote desktop's DPI setting is 100 percent and the client system's DPI setting is 200 percent, Horizon Client scales up the remote desktop's DPI setting by a factor of 2 (200 / 100 = 2) .

Horizon Client saves the display scaling setting for each remote desktop separately. For published applications, the display scaling setting applies to all published applications that are available to the currently logged-in user.

In a multiple-monitor setup, using display scaling does not affect the number of monitors and the maximum resolutions that Horizon Client supports. When display scaling is allowed and is in effect, scaling is based on the client system's DPI setting.

You can hide the display scaling setting by enabling the Horizon Client Locked Guest Size group policy setting.

You can enable or disable display scaling for all remote desktops and published applications by setting the Allow display scaling group policy setting. For information, see Using Group Policy Settings to Configure Horizon Client. Allow display scaling is enabled by default and the option is turned on in the user interface.


  1. Start Horizon Client and connect to a server.
  2. In the desktop and application selector window, right-click the remote desktop or published application and select Settings.
  3. Toggle the Allow display scaling option to on.
    If an administrator has preconfigured display scaling, the check box is dimmed. If an administrator has hidden the display scaling setting, the check box does not appear.