The following is an example of the process for configuring a load balancer. The settings you use will be different.


  1. Choose an external IP to use for NAT (for example,
  2. Choose three external ports per Unified Access Gateway for NAT (for example, [41721, 8443, 4431], [41722, 8444, 4432]).
  3. Log in to the vCloud Director interface as an Organization Administrator.
  4. Navigate to Edge Gateway Services:
    1. Click Administration in the top menu.
    2. Click Virtual Datacenters in the Administration pane to the left.
    3. Click the Virtual Datacenter name in the pane on the right.
    4. The pane on the right has a row of tabs along the top. Click the Edge Gateways tab.
    5. In the list of Edge Gateways, click one to select it.
    6. Right-click the Edge Gateway and click Edge Gateway Services.
  5. Configure DNAT:
    1. On the Edge Gateway Services page, click the NAT tab.
    2. Configure as shown below.
      Applied On Type Original IP Original Port Translated IP Translated Port Protocol
      external DNAT 41721 4172 TCP & UDP
      external DNAT 8443 8443 TCP
      external DNAT 4431 443 TCP
      external DNAT 41722 4172 TCP & UDP
      external DNAT 8444 8443 TCP
      external DNAT 4432 443 TCP
  6. Configure Firewall:
    1. On the Edge Gateway Services page, click the Firewall tab.
    2. Configure as shown below.
      Name Source Destination Protocol Action
      ap1-pcoip any:any TCP & UDP Allow
      ap1-blast any:any TCP Allow
      ap1-tunnel any:any TCP Allow
      ap2-pcoip any:any TCP & UDP Allow
      ap2-blast any:any TCP Allow
      ap2-tunnel any:any TCP Allow
  7. Configure load balancer pool servers:
    1. On the Load Balancer tab, click Pool Servers and click Add.
    2. On the Name & Description tab, type a name and optionally a description for the pool server.
    3. Click Next.
    4. On the Configure Service tab:
      • Click Enable for HTTP and HTTPS services.
      • Select IP Hash for the balancing method for both services.
      • For default ports, enter the following:
        • HTTP - Port 80
        • HTTPS - Port 443
    5. Click Next.
    6. On the Configure Health-Check tab:
      • For HTTP and HTTPS, enter Monitor Ports.
      • For HTTPS, change Mode to TCP.
      • In the URI for HTTP service field, enter /favicon.ico.
    7. Click Next.
    8. On the Manage Members tab, add each Unified Access Gateway as a member, described below.
      1. Click Add.
      2. In the Add Member dialog:
        • Enter the IP address of the Internet UAG interface, as defined when you deployed the OVA.
        • For both HTTP and HTTPS, enter 80 for Port and 443 for Monitor Port.
      3. Click OK.
  8. Configure load balancer virtual server:
    1. On the Load Balancer tab, click Virtual Servers and then click Add.
    2. Enter a name and description for the virtual server.
    3. Select an external network from the Applied on drop-down menu.
    4. Enter the external IP address of the virtual server.
    5. From the drop-down menu, select the pool you created earlier.
    6. In Services, select Enable for HTTP and HTTPS.
    7. For Persistence Method, enter No persistence for HTTP and HTTPS.
    8. Click Enabled to enable the virtual server.
    9. Click OK.