The following is an example of the process for configuring a load balancer. The settings you use will be different.
- Choose an external IP to use for NAT (for example,
- Choose three external ports per Unified Access Gateway for NAT (for example, [41721, 8443, 4431], [41722, 8444, 4432]).
- Log in to the vCloud Director interface as an Organization Administrator.
- Navigate to Edge Gateway Services:
- Click Administration in the top menu.
- Click Virtual Datacenters in the Administration pane to the left.
- Click the Virtual Datacenter name in the pane on the right.
- The pane on the right has a row of tabs along the top. Click the Edge Gateways tab.
- In the list of Edge Gateways, click one to select it.
- Right-click the Edge Gateway and click Edge Gateway Services.
- Configure DNAT:
- On the Edge Gateway Services page, click the NAT tab.
- Configure as shown below.
Applied On Type Original IP Original Port Translated IP Translated Port Protocol external DNAT 41721 4172 TCP & UDP external DNAT 8443 8443 TCP external DNAT 4431 443 TCP external DNAT 41722 4172 TCP & UDP external DNAT 8444 8443 TCP external DNAT 4432 443 TCP
- Configure Firewall:
- On the Edge Gateway Services page, click the Firewall tab.
- Configure as shown below.
Name Source Destination Protocol Action ap1-pcoip any:any TCP & UDP Allow ap1-blast any:any TCP Allow ap1-tunnel any:any TCP Allow ap2-pcoip any:any TCP & UDP Allow ap2-blast any:any TCP Allow ap2-tunnel any:any TCP Allow
- Configure load balancer pool servers:
- On the Load Balancer tab, click Pool Servers and click Add.
- On the Name & Description tab, type a name and optionally a description for the pool server.
- Click Next.
- On the Configure Service tab:
- Click Enable for HTTP and HTTPS services.
- Select IP Hash for the balancing method for both services.
- For default ports, enter the following:
- HTTP - Port 80
- HTTPS - Port 443
- Click Next.
- On the Configure Health-Check tab:
- For HTTP and HTTPS, enter Monitor Ports.
- For HTTPS, change Mode to TCP.
- In the URI for HTTP service field, enter /favicon.ico.
- Click Next.
- On the Manage Members tab, add each Unified Access Gateway as a member, described below.
- Click Add.
- In the Add Member dialog:
- Enter the IP address of the Internet UAG interface, as defined when you deployed the OVA.
- For both HTTP and HTTPS, enter 80 for Port and 443 for Monitor Port.
- Click OK.
- Configure load balancer virtual server:
- On the Load Balancer tab, click Virtual Servers and then click Add.
- Enter a name and description for the virtual server.
- Select an external network from the Applied on drop-down menu.
- Enter the external IP address of the virtual server.
- From the drop-down menu, select the pool you created earlier.
- In Services, select Enable for HTTP and HTTPS.
- For Persistence Method, enter No persistence for HTTP and HTTPS.
- Click Enabled to enable the virtual server.
- Click OK.