This topic describes the Desktone_AppVolumeServiceStatistics CIM provider.
- Description
Specifies the high level statistics of App Volume service.
- Properties
- InstanceID: Key to uniquely identify the instance of this class.
- Port: Port which service is running on.
- Status: Overall status of the AV Server.
- ADConnectCount: Total count of AD connection attempts.
- ADConnectTimeMax: Maximum Time (in MS) taken to connect to AD host.
- ADConnectTimeAvg: Average Time (in MS) taken to connect to AD host.
- ADConnectFailureCount: Total count of AD connection failures.
- ADNTLMAuthFailureCount: Total count of AD NTLM auth failures.
- VCPingResponseTimeMax: Maximum ping response times (in MS) from vCenter.
- VCPingResponseTimeAvg: Average ping response time (in MS) from vCenter.
- VCPingResponseCount: Total count of vCenter ping attempts.
- VCPingResponseFailureCount: Total count of vCenter ping failures.
- VCGetVMDisksTimeMax: Maximum Time (in MS) taken to fetch the list of volumes from a given datastore path.
- VCGetVMDisksTimeAvg: Average Time: (in MS) taken to fetch the list of volumes from a given datastore path.
- VCGetVMDisksCount: Total count of attempts to fetch the list of volumes from a given datastore path.
- VMGetVMDisksFailureCount: Total count of failures while fetching the list of volumes from a given datastore path.
- VSphereConnectTimeMax: Maximum Time (in MS) taken to connect to vSphere server using RbVmomi::connect.
- VSphereConnectTimeAvg: Average Time (in MS) taken to connect to vSphere server using RbVmomi::connect.
- VSphereConnectCount: Total number of vSphere connection attempts.
- VSphereConnectFailureCount: Total count of failures while attempting to connect to vSphere using RbVmomi::connect.
- VSphereVolConversionFailureCount: Total count of failures while attempting to convert volume (vmdk) to VMFS thin format.
- VSphereMoveDiskFailureCount: Total count of ‘Move Disk’ task failures.
- VSphereCopyDiskFailureCount: Total count of ‘Copy Disk’ task failures.
- VSphereDeleteDiskFailureCount: Total count of ‘Delete Disk’ task failures.
- VSphereCreateDiskFailureCount: Total count of ‘Create Disk’ task failures.
- VSphereExtendDiskFailureCount: Total count of ‘Extend Disk’ task failures.
- VolUploadTimeMax: Maximum Time (in MS) taken to upload volume.
- VolUploadTimeAvg: Average Time (in MS) taken to upload volume.
- VolUploadCount: Total count of volume upload attempts.
- VolUploadFailureCount: Total count of volume upload failures.
- FSMountFailureCount: Total count of fileshare mount failures.
- FSUnmountFailureCount: Total count of fileshare unmount failures.
- RequestProcessingCount: Total count of requests processed.
- RequestProcessingTimeMin: Minimum Request processing time (in MS).
- RequestProcessingTimeMax: Maximum Request processing time (in MS).
- RequestProcessingTimeAvg: Average Request processing time (in MS).
- DBConnectionOpenTimeMin: Minimum time (in MS) for which the DB connection is held.
- DBConnectionOpenTimeMax: Maximum time (in MS) for which the DB connection is held.
- DBConnectionOpenTimeAvg: Average time (in MS) for which the DB connection is held.
- DBConnectionsOpenCount: Average time (in MS) for which the DB connection is held.