The platform captures desktop usage for each tenant so the Service Provider can have access to billing summary information.

All billing information retrieval must be done via REST APIs. The retrieval of billing information via scripts is not supported.

Note: By default the Billing Summary Report will contain information about disabled and enabled tenants, but there is a policy (‘billing.summary.skip.disabled.tenants’) that can alter this functionality to only collect information for enabled tenants. To activate this option, set the policy value to ‘true’.

Report Content

For each data center associated with a tenant, the platform captures the following data:

  • The quota for each desktop model.
  • The desktops in use for each model.
  • The quota for each protocol.
  • The desktops in use for each protocol.

By default, the platform captures this information daily just after midnight (UTC) and purges previous summaries older than 180 days.

Unlimited quota is represented with the value -1.

Description of Record Layout

The table below describes the values returned in each column.

Column Name Sample Value Description
snapshot 201203220856 Date and Time of record (format: yyyyMMddhhmm)
org_id 1001 The unique ID of the Organization/Tenant
org_name Tenant A The name for the tenant identified by org_id
datacenter_id 5925d361-4c1c-490e-9616-c5041d067b8e A unique ID that identifies the Datacenter location
status enabled The status of the tenant: Enabled, Disabled, Error
type_id 1cb3f348-f987-4834-a33c-742ef30d356b Unique Id for given Type:
  • 'template' for Template quota
  • 'desktop' if there are no quotas (all 0) and no in_use_count numbers. In this case, quota and in_use_count are set to -1 to indicate nothing was found for the tenant.
desktop_model_name Pro This value is blank for a Template.Quota
model_protocols 31 If the type is PROTOCOL, this column indicates the bitmask value for that protocol.
  • RDP = bit 0
  • RGS = bit 1
  • HDX = bit 2
  • VNC = bit 3
  • NX = bit 4
  • PCoIP = bit 5

For example, the bitmask 31 means RDP, RGS, HDX, VNC, and NX are available and the bitmask 1 means only RDP. If the type is DESKTOPMODEL, this column is ignored and contains 0.

quota 17 Error Value of -1
in_use_count 17 When Session Type= Number of sessions provisioned for; otherwise -1 indicates an error while the summary was being taken or that the system could not communicate with the tenant. The in_use_count can be higher than the quota only if the VMs exist on the hypervisor or are created outside the environment. This occurs only for Imported or Utility Desktop Model Quota mapped to the Imported, Recycle and Utility pools.
date_updated 2012-03-22 08:56:30.784 The last time this row was modified

Override Report Intervals

By default, the platform captures billing summary information daily just after midnight (UTC) and purges previous summaries older than 180 days. To override these default intervals, follow the procedure below.

  1. In the Service Center, select tenants > policy.
  2. On the Policy Configuration page, set the following policies:
    • billing.summary.collection.interval - The interval between billing collections in milliseconds (ms). The default is 86400000 ms (24 hours).
    • billing.summary.purge.interval policies - The number of days to retain billing summary records in the database. The default is 180 days. Records older than the interval are purged from the database. Set to 0 to retain all billing history in the database.