This topic describes the configuration for NetApp storage with the product platform.
Hardware and Software Requirements
VMware recommends NetApp storage with FlexClone for the VM image storage to take advantage of deduplication. For the other storage volumes, generic NFS will suffice.
NetApp hardware and software:
- FAS3140C e/w 3 shelves of 1TB drives (42)
- PAM card
- NearStore A-SIS
- FlexVol
- FlexScale
NFS Exports
VMware recommends NetApp storage with FlexClone for the VM image storage (/vol/vol_tenanta and /vol/vol_tenantb in this example) to take advantage of deduplication. For the other storage volumes, generic NFS will suffice.
Local Mount Point Structure
On the transit server node, create a directory structure identical to the NFS exports that you will be mounting. While this is not strictly required, it assists in solving mount related issues, and to remember what is mounted where. For example, for the exports defined above, create the following directory structure on the local management node:
/vol |-- db |-- vol_sp |-- vol_tenanta |-- vol_tenantb |-- vol_dbbackup `-- vol_upload
Permissions and Security
All mounted file systems should have the following export options set:
- Read-write access: Set for all hosts (you can choose to limit to specific hosts if desired, but you should check this as you add management nodes).
- Root access: Specify a range of host addresses which should have root access (using CIDR notation). This range must include all the management nodes.
- Security: Select Unix style security for the exports.
When you view the export options for the NFS exports, it should look like this:
Read-Write Access (All Hosts) Root Access ( Security (sys)
Adding a New NetApp Service Account
From your NetApp system, you need to add a new role, group, and user:
- Add a New Role
netapp2> useradmin role add desktone_role -c "Role for Desktone API Support" -a login-http-admin,api-license-list-info,api-system-get-info,api-system-get-version,api-system-get-ontapi-version,api-nfs-status,api-nfs-exportfs-list-rules-2,api-nfs-exportfs-modify-rule-2,api-clone-start,api-clone-stop,api-clone-list-status,api-vfiler-list-info Wed Nov 25 19:34:57 GMT [useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'desktone_role' has been added. Role added.
- Add a New Group
netapp2> useradmin group add desktone_group -c "Group for Desktone" -r desktone_role Wed Nov 25 19:41:35 GMT [useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The group 'desktone_group' has been added. Group added.
- Add a New User
netapp2> useradmin user add desktone -c "Service account for Desktone" -n "Desktone SA" -g desktone_group New password: Retype new password: User added. netapp2> Wed Nov 25 19:57:50 GMT [useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The user 'desktone' has been added.