After the Enrollment Server is set up, you enter the information in the Administration Console's Active Directory page.


Complete the previous step Set up the Enrollment Server.


  1. In the Administration Console, navigate to Settings > Active Directory.
  2. Click Add next to True SSO Configuration.

    The True SSO Config dialog displays.

    Note: Because you already configured the Enrollment Server you can ignore the Download Pairing Token link in this dialog.
  3. Enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your enrollment server in the Primary Enrollment Server field and click the Test Pairing button next to the field.
    The other required fields are auto-populated.
  4. Click Save
  5. To configure a Secondary Enrollment Server for high-availability, do the following.
    1. Repeat the process described in Set up the Enrollment Server on a second machine.
    2. Edit the True SSO configuration and add the second ES address in the Secondary Enrollment Server field, and then test the pairing.
    3. Save the configuration again.


The configuration information now appears on the Active Directory page under True SSO Configuration.