This sections describes error messages that users can encounter during desktop connections.

  • Error 500

    If a user receives Error 500 in the Horizon Client, look in the tenant log and make a note of the exception before contacting support. The exception to look for will mention the ViewClientServlet.

  • Common Error Messages

    The following table lists the most common error messages users can receive and the causes when using the using the Horizon Client to connect to their desktop. The Error Details portion of the message provides information needed by customer support to troubleshoot the connection problem.

    View Agent Login Failed. Error Details: <Message from Agent> The View Agent failed the login request sent.
    Session has Expired, Please Restart Horizon Client to Connect Session timeout has occurred. The timeout is based on a policy (userportal.session.timeout) set at the service provider, but may be overridden by a setting in the administration console.
    Unable to allocate a desktop - pool refresh is in progress. Wait a few minutes and try again. Dynamic pool refresh is underway. This means that desktops are being destroyed and recreated based on a new or altered Gold Pattern. Once the refresh completes, users will be able to log into their desktop.
    Error communicating with desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Desktop Agent Communication Error Unable to parse error from Authentication Error Response due to interrupted communication between the Horizon Client, Tenant and View Agent Connect. There might be a warning or error in the desktone.log file related to ViewClientServlet.
    Could not parse XML Data Horizon Client or Agent returned XML which could not be read by the DaaS platform.
    Desktop is not ready for connection (DaaS Agent may be starting up). Please wait a few minutes or try again. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. DaaS Agent is reported as offline. Reboot the desktop if the problem persists and console access is too long. The DaaS Agent should come up when the desktop comes up (within a few minutes).
    Desktop is not ready for connection (may be shutting down or rebooting). Please wait a few minutes or try again. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. OS state is not running. Wait until it is running or reboot from administration console.
    Desktop is not ready for connection (currently in maintenance mode). Please wait a few minutes or try again. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. Domain rejoin maintenance is occurring for a dynamic desktop. This can also occur during dynamic pool refresh.
    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: View Agent is not running The DaaS Agent has reported that the View Agent service is not running or listening on the require ports. Make sure that the View Agent is installed and that the firewall ports are open (4172, 32111, 443). Reboot machine or check service "View Agent Connect" through RDP (User Portal) if possible.
    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: VMware Tools is not running VMware Tools are offline. See troubleshooting/solution on VMware tools.
    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: VMware Tools is not installed VMware Tools are not installed. See troubleshooting/solution on VMware tools.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator

    Desktop Unavailable. This is a generic message from the Allocator Service. Try checking the state of the machine and the tenant system to see if there are other issues.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Desktop has been allocated to a different user. Please Contact your Administrator. Error Details: Desktop Already in Allocated State.

    Another user has been allocated this desktop. A session exists with a GUID different from the current user.

    Login Failure. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Unable to lookup user GUID using credentials

    An exception was raised by the Horizon DaaS software during a GUID lookup. Possible reasons include: Domain controller is offline; the Fabric node had failures; general tenant problems.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Unknown IP Address

    IP Address is null or invalid. The IP address can be null if the DaaS Agent is in the middle of logging in or the VM is starting up.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Invalid IP Address <IP_address>

    The IP address is listed only if it is known.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop. Please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Unable to retrieve Tenant Domain information

    There is no Domain information logged in the database. The DaaS platform cannot associate the tenant with any Domain.

    Login Failure: Unknown user name or bad password. Please try again.

    User name or password are invalid for the given domain.

    Unable to Allocate Desktop, No Desktops Available. All desktops in pool are currently in use.

    Dynamic pool has no desktops that are available to the user.

    Unable to Connect to Desktop (current connected protocol incompatible). Please log off previous session and try again.

    The Allocator Service is indicating the current session is using a non-compatible protocol.

    Unable to complete log off. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Invalid session id

    This error occurs if the DaaS platform cannot parse the XML, the session-id key returned in the XML is null, or if the key is malformed.

    Unable to complete log off. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Unable to Associate Session Id with Active Sessions

    There are no active sessions for the current user.

    Unable to complete log off. If problem persists, please contact your Administrator. Error Details: Error communicating with Desktop Manager

    This error occurs if when the DaaS platform throws an exception.

    The desktop <x>,<n> is not in the list of entitled desktops

    In this message, <x> is the application name you are attempting to launch and <n> is a number.

    This message indicates that you may be using an incompatible Horizon Client and should reference the client’s release notes to confirm it supports Remote Application functionality.

  • Error Messages Associated with Password Changes

    The following table lists the error messages a user can receive and the causes when attempting to change their password in the Horizon Client.

    Please Enter the Old Password and the New Password.

    Some or all of the password fields are blank.

    Provided Old Password is invalid, please try again.

    If the password you logged in with is different from the "Old Password".

    Provided New Passwords do not match, please try again.

    The user mistyped the password.

    Please Enter a New Password that is different from the Old Password .

    The new password the user entered is the same as their old password

    Unable to Change Password. Please restart Horizon Client and try again. Error Detail <message from View Agent>

    After the user selected desktop, completing password change screen, and clicked connect, the View Agent was unable to change the Domain password.

    Note: A user confirmation dialog after the password change screen incorrectly indicates "You successfully changed your password and should use it in the future."
    • Note that the following character combinations cannot be used in Horizon Client passwords:





    • For example, none of the following passwords are supported:


      < Desktone>

      Desktone <!—
