You can use multiple monitors to display a remote desktop window.


  • You must use HTML Access in a Chrome or Chromium-based Edge browser.
  • You must have two or more monitors.


  1. Start HTML Access and log in to a server.
  2. To enable the multiple-monitor feature, click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window, turn on the Use Multi Monitors if there are two monitors option in the Settings window, and click Close.
  3. In the desktop and application selector window, click the icon for the remote desktop that you want to use.
  4. When the remote desktop prompts you to grant permission to use full screen for all screens, click OK.
    A pop-up menu appears that lists the available external displays.
  5. From the pop-up menu, select a display to use.
  6. When the remote desktop prompts you to grant permission to use full screen for all screens again, click OK.
  7. To exit from multiple-monitor mode, press Esc.
  8. In the Exit the multiple displays mode dialog box, click Yes.