You can use multiple monitors to display a remote desktop window. This feature is not supported for published applications.


  • You must use HTML Access in a Chrome or Chromium-based Edge browser. In Chrome, Chromecast must be enabled.
    Note: If you are running a Chrome browser version earlier than version 100, go to chrome://flags and enable Experimental Web Platform features.
  • You must have two or more monitors.


  1. Start HTML Access and log in to a server.
  2. To enable the multiple-monitor feature, do the following.
    1. Click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window.
    2. In the Display section of the Settings dialog box, click Set.
    3. If the browser prompts you to grant permission for window placement, select the option to grant this permission.
      Note: If you deny permission for window placement, the browser will display the prompt again for every desktop session. In that case, you must manually grant permission each time to use the multiple-monitor feature.
    4. From the menu, select one of the following display options.
      Option Description
      Use all displays Displays the remote desktop on all the monitors connected to the client device.
      Use selected displays Displays the remote desktop on the monitors that you specify. In the thumbnail preview, select the monitors that you want to use for the display.
    5. After selecting a display option, click OK.
    6. Close the Settings dialog box.
  3. If the browser window is in maximized mode, exit maximized mode.

    Desktop sessions cannot use the multiple-monitor feature when the browser window is in maximized mode.

  4. If you do not already have a desktop session open, in the desktop and application selector window, click the icon for the remote desktop that you want to use.
    Note: When you use the multiple-monitor feature for the first time, the browser might block new windows from opening on the extended monitors. If this problem occurs, click the error prompt in the browser's address bar and select the option to allow new window placement. Then refresh the browser or reconnect to the desktop.
  5. If the remote desktop prompts you to grant permission to use full-screen mode, click OK for each monitor in your configuration.
    Note: If the display mode is set to Use selected displays when you add or remove monitors in your configuration, the session reverts to single-monitor mode and displays the desktop in the primary monitor only.
  6. To exit from multiple-monitor mode, do the following.
    1. Press and hold the Esc key.
    2. In the Exit the multiple displays mode dialog box, click Yes.

What to do next

The multiple-monitor feature supports only one desktop session at a time. To switch to a different desktop, first exit multiple-monitor mode for the current desktop. Then switch to the other desktop and enter multiple-monitor mode.