If more than one speaker is connected to the client computer, and the remote desktop supports multiple device redirection with the speaker feature, you can use all the speakers connected to the client computer in the remote desktop.

For administrators - this feature is supported only with virtual desktops. It is not supported with published desktops or published applications.

For end users - whether you can use more than one speaker depends on how a Horizon administrator has configured the remote desktop. To use this feature, you must select All for the preferred speaker setting. For more information, see Select a Preferred Speaker.

Observe the following tips for using more than one speaker with device redirection.

  • When you connect to a remote desktop, all speakers currently connected to the client computer are redirected.
  • By default, the remote desktop uses the speaker that is configured as the client default speaker. You can switch to have the remote desktop use any speaker connected to the client computer.
  • If you disconnect a speaker from the client computer, and the speaker is not being used in an application in the remote desktop, the speaker device is deleted from the remote desktop after you log out and log back in to the desktop. If the speaker is being used by an application in the remote desktop, the speaker device is deleted after the application releases it.
  • The display name of a redirected speaker is the actual device name, but with (VDI) appended, for example, Acme Speaker (VDI).
  • You can use multiple redirected devices simultaneously in a remote desktop.