The time zone that a remote desktop or published application uses is set to the time zone in your local system automatically.

When you use HTML Access, if the time zone cannot be correctly determined due to certain daylight saving policies, you might need to set the time zone manually.

To set the correct time zone manually before you are connected to a remote desktop or published application, click the Settings toolbar button in the upper-right corner of the desktop and application selector window. Turn off the Set Time Zone Automatically option in the Settings window and select one of the time zones from the drop-down menu. The value you select is saved as your preferred time zone to use when connecting to a remote desktop or published application.

To set the correct time zone manually after you are connected to a remote desktop or published application, return to the desktop and application selector window and change the current time zone setting.

The Set Time Zone Automatically option is not available from the Settings window that is accessible from the sidebar.

Note: When you use the Chrome browser on an Android device, if the Set Time Zone Automatically option is set to true and you change the Android system time zone, the new time zone is not synchronized with the remote desktop automatically. This problem is a Chrome limitation on the Android system. You must restart the Android device and the Chrome browser to synchronize the selected time zone.