You can use Horizon Console to view information about global entitlements, pods, sites, and home sites.


  • To list all of the global entitlements in your configuration, select Inventory > Global Entitlements.
    You can use the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  • To list the desktop or application pools in a global entitlement, select Inventory > Global Entitlements, click the global entitlement name, and click the Local Pools tab.
    Only the pools in the local pod appear on the Local Pools tab. If a global entitlement includes desktop or application pools in a remote pod, you must log in to the Horizon Console user interface for a Connection Server instance in the remote pod to see those pools.
  • To see the global desktop entitlement that contains a specific desktop pool, select Inventory > Desktops.
    The name of the global desktop entitlement that contains the desktop pool appears in the Global Entitlement column for that desktop pool on the Desktop Pools page. You can also click a desktop pool name on the Desktop Pools page and view the name of the global desktop entitlement on the Summary tab.
  • To list the users or groups associated with a global entitlement, select Inventory > Global Entitlements, click the global entitlement name, and click the Users and Groups tab.
    You can use the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  • To quickly identify the pod that you are logged in to in Horizon Console, look for the pod name in the header at the top of the Horizon Console window.
    This feature is particularly useful when you are logged in to multiple pods.
  • To list the pods in the pod federation, select Settings > Cloud Pod Architecture.
    You can use the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  • To list the sites in the pod federation, including the pods in a site, select Settings > Sites.
    You can use the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  • To list the home site assignments for users and groups, select Users and Groups and click the Home Site Assignment tab.
  • To list the home sites for a user or group by global entitlement, perform these steps.
    1. Select Users and Groups and click the Home Site Resolution tab.
    2. Click Find User.
    3. Select one or more search criteria and click Find to filter the Active Directory users based on your search criteria.
    4. Select the Active Directory user and click OK.
    The global entitlement name appears in the Entitlements column and the effective home site for the global entitlement appears in the Home Site Resolution column. The origin of a home site assignment appears in parentheses after the home site name. If a user has multiple home sites, a folder icon appears next to the global entitlement name. You can expand this folder to list the home site assignments that are not in effect for the global entitlement.
  • To list the tags that are associated with a global entitlement, select Inventory > Global Entitlements, click the global entitlement name, and click the Summary tab.
    The tags that are associated with the global entitlement appear in the Connection Server restrictions field.