Because you can assign home sites to both users and groups, a single user can have multiple home sites. In addition, home sites associated with global entitlements can override a user's own home site. You can use Horizon Console to determine a user's effective home site.


  1. Log in to the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  2. Select Users and Groups and click the Home Site Resolution tab.
  3. Click Find User.
  4. To find Active Directory users, select one or more search criteria, and click Find.
  5. Select the Active Directory user whose effective home site you want to display and click OK.


Horizon Console displays the effective home site for each global entitlement to which the user belongs. Only global entitlements that have the Use home site policy enabled are displayed.

The home site that is in effect appears in the Home Site Resolution column. If a user has multiple home sites, a folder icon appears next to the global entitlement name in the Entitlements column. You can expand this folder to list the home site assignments that are not in effect for the global entitlement. Horizon Console uses strikethrough text to indicate a home site is not in effect.

Horizon Console displays the origin of a home site assignment in parentheses after the home site name in the Home Site Resolution column. If the home site originated from a group in which the user belongs, Horizon Console displays the name of the group, for example, (via Domain Users). If the home site originated from the user's own home site assignment, Horizon Console displays (Default). If the home site originated from the global entitlement (a home site override), Horizon Console displays (Direct).

If a user does not have a home site, Horizon Console displays No home site defined in the Home Site Resolution column.