When a user connects to a Connection Server instance that has RSA SecurID authentication or RADIUS authentication enabled, a special login dialog box appears in Horizon Client.

Users enter their RSA SecurID or RADIUS authentication user name and passcode in the a special login dialog box. A two-factor authentication passcode typically consists of a PIN followed by a token code.

  • If RSA Authentication Manager requires users to enter a new RSA SecurID PIN after entering their RSA SecurID username and passcode, a PIN dialog box appears. After setting a new PIN, users are prompted to wait for the next token code before logging in. If RSA Authentication Manager is configured to use system-generated PINs, a dialog box appears to confirm the PIN.
  • When logging in to Horizon, RADIUS authentication works much like RSA SecurID. If the RADIUS server issues an access challenge, Horizon Client displays a dialog box similar to the RSA SecurID prompt for the next token code. Currently support for RADIUS challenges is limited to prompting for text input. Any challenge text sent from the RADIUS server is not displayed. More complex forms of challenge, such as multiple choice and image selection, are currently not supported.

    After a user enters credentials in Horizon Client, the RADIUS server can send an SMS text message or email, or text using some other out-of-band mechanism, to the user's cell phone with a code. The user can enter this text and code into Horizon Client to complete the authentication.

  • Because some RADIUS vendors provide the ability to import users from Active Directory, end users might first be prompted to supply Active Directory credentials before being prompted for a RADIUS authentication user name and passcode.