The serial port redirection group policy settings control the redirected COM port configuration, including the options that are available in the Serial COM Redirection for VMware Horizon menu in remote desktops.

The serial port redirection ADMX file contains both Computer Configuration and User Configuration policies. The User Configuration policies allow you to set different configurations for specified users of remote desktops. Policy settings that are configured in Computer Configuration take precedence over the corresponding settings that are configured in User Configuration.

Table 1. Serial Port Policy Settings
Setting Computer User Description






The port settings determine the mapping between the COM port on the client system and the redirected COM port on the remote desktop and determines other settings that affect the redirected COM port. You configure each redirected COM port individually.

Five port settings policy settings are available, allowing up to five COM ports to be mapped from the client to the remote desktop. Select one port settings policy setting for each COM port that you intend to configure. When you enable the port settings policy setting, you can configure the following items that affect the redirected COM port:

  • The Source port number setting specifies the number of the physical COM port that is connected to the client system.
  • The Destination virtual port number setting specifies the number of the redirected virtual COM port on the remote desktop.
  • The Autoconnect setting automatically connects the COM port to the redirected COM port at the start of each desktop session.
  • With the IgnoreDSR setting, the redirected COM port device ignores the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.
  • The Pause before close port (in milliseconds) setting specifies the time to wait (in milliseconds) after a user closes the redirected port and before the port is actually closed. Certain USB to Serial adapters require this delay to ensure that transmitted data is preserved. This setting is intended for troubleshooting purposes.
  • The Serial2USBModeChangeEnabled setting resolves issues that apply to USB to Serial adapters that use the Prolific chipset, including the GlobalSat BU353 GPS adapter. If you do not enable this setting for Prolific chipset adapters, connected devices can transmit data but not receive data.
  • The Disable errors in wait mask setting disables the error value in the COM port mask. This troubleshooting setting is required for certain applications. For details, see the Microsoft documentation of the WaitCommEvent function at
  • The HandleBtDisappear setting supports BlueTooth COM port behavior. This setting is intended for troubleshooting purposes.
  • The UsbToComTroubleShooting setting resolves some issues that apply to USB to Serial port adapters. This setting is intended for troubleshooting purposes.
  • The Permanent setting keeps the redirected COM port status in the remote session even if the client disconnects.

When you enable the port settings policy setting for a particular COM port, users can connect and disconnect the redirected port, but users cannot configure properties of the port on the remote desktop. For example, users cannot set the port to be redirected automatically when they log in to the desktop, and they cannot ignore the DSR signal. These properties are controlled by the group policy setting.

Note: A redirected COM port is connected and active only if the physical COM port is connected locally to the client system. If you map a COM port that does not exist on the client, the redirected port appears as inactive and not available in the tool tray menu on the remote desktop.

When the port settings policy setting is disabled or not configured, the redirected COM port uses the settings that users configure on the remote desktop. The Serial COM Redirection for VMware Horizon menu options are active and available to users.

These settings are in the VMware View Agent Configuration > Serial COM > PortSettings folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Bandwidth limit X Sets a limit on the data transfer speed, in kilobytes per second, between the redirected serial port and client systems.

When you enable this setting, you can set a value in the Bandwidth limit (in kilobytes per second) box that determines the maximum data transfer speed between the redirected serial port and the client. A value of 0 disables the bandwidth limit.

When this setting is disabled, no bandwidth limit is set.

When this setting is not configured, local program settings on the remote desktop determine whether a bandwidth limit is set.

This setting is in the VMware View Agent Configuration > Serial COM folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Disable functionality X Disables the serial port redirection feature.

When you enable this setting, COM ports are not redirected to the remote desktop. The serial port tool tray icon on the remote desktop is not displayed.

When this setting is disabled, serial port redirection works, the serial port tool tray icon is displayed, and COM ports appear in the Serial COM Redirection for VMware Horizon menu.

When this setting is not configured, settings that are local to the remote desktop determine whether serial port redirection is disabled or enabled.

This setting is in the VMware View Agent Configuration > Serial COM folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Local settings priority X X Gives priority to the settings that are configured on the remote desktop.

When you enable this policy, the serial port redirection settings that a user configures on the remote desktop take precedence over the group policy settings. A group policy setting takes effect only if a setting is not configured on the remote desktop.

When this setting is disabled or not configured, group policy settings take precedence over the settings that are configured on the remote desktop.

This setting is in the VMware View Agent Configuration > Serial COM folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Lock configuration X X Locks the serial port redirection user interface and prevents users from changing configuration options on the remote desktop.

When you enable this setting, users cannot configure the options that are available from the tool tray menu on their desktops. Users can display the Serial COM Redirection for VMware Horizon menu, but the options are inactive and cannot be changed.

When this setting is disabled, users can configure the options in the Serial COM Redirection for VMware Horizon menu.

When this setting is not configured, local program settings on the remote desktop determine whether users can configure the COM port redirection settings.

This setting is in the VMware View Agent Configuration > Serial COM folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

COM Port Isolation Mode Specifies the isolation mode for COM ports. When you enable this setting, you can select one of the following isolation modes:
  • Full Isolation – virtual serial ports are visible and accessible only within user sessions. COM port names can have the same names in different user sessions. System services, such as spoolsrv.exe, cannot access isolated serial ports in this mode.
  • Isolation Disabled – virtual serial ports are visible globally. Any port can be accessed from any session. Because ports cannot have the same name in different user sessions, port names must be unique for each user. System services, such as spoolsrv.exe, can access any serial port.

If this setting is not configured, serial port redirection operates in Full Isolation mode.