Before you upgrade VMware Horizon, you must uninstall features that are no longer supported or deprecated in the latest version of VMware Horizon.

If you upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 and later, you must uninstall the following features that are available in earlier releases of VMware Horizon 7.x:

No Longer Supported or Deprecated Features Description
Security Server (no longer supported) If you have security servers and want to upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 and later, you must deploy a replacement Unified Access Gateway appliance and then uninstall the security servers before upgrading Connection Server.
Note: After an upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 if you don't remove the security server and try to connect to Horizon Client using the security server, you get an HTTP error.

See Replacing a Security Server with a Unified Access Gateway Appliance.

JMP Server (no longer supported) If you have a JMP Server installed, and want to upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 and later, you must uninstall the JMP server. See Uninstall JMP Server.
Note: Previously created JMP desktop assignments still appear in Horizon Console and can be modified or deleted. Previously created App Volumes assignments created from JMP assignments still appear in the App Volumes console and can be modified or deleted. The Dynamic Environment Manager setting assignment created from the JMP assignment if the Dynamic Environment Manager share isn't removed during JMP uninstallation, appears in the read only mode in the Dynamic Environment Manager console and you cannot modify or delete this assignment.
View Composer (deprecated) If you have View Composer installed, and want to upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 and later, you must remove View Composer. See Remove View Composer from Horizon.
Important: View Composer and View Composer linked clones and persistent disks are deprecated. The feature still exists within the packaging but it is not recommended to start any new projects with View Composer. View Composer and related features will be removed in the upcoming release. If you have View Composer, do not upgrade to VMware Horizon 2006 unless you have a clear plan to move to instant clones. You can continue to use View Composer on the VMware Horizon 7.x versions. For more information about View Composer linked clones and persistent disks, see the documentation available at