You can adjust the image quality of your remote desktop display to improve the user experience. Improving image quality is helpful in maintaining a consistent user experience when there is a bad network connection.

Example VMware Blast Extreme Protocol Settings

VMwareBlastServer and its related plug-ins use the configuration file /etc/vmware/config.

Table 1. Example Blast Configuration Options in /etc/vmware/config
Option name Parameter High-speed LAN LAN Dedicated WAN Broadband WAN Low-speed WAN Extremely Low speed
Bandwidth settings RemoteDisplay.maxBandwidthKbps 1000000 (1 Gbps) 1000000 (1 Gbps) 1000000 (1 Gbps) 5000 (5 Mbps) 2000 (2 Mbps) 1000 (1 Mbps)
Max FPS RemoteDisplay.maxFPS 60 30 30 20 15 5
Audio Playback RemoteDisplay.allowAudio TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE
Display Quality (JPEG/PNG) RemoteDisplay.maxQualityJPEG 90 90 90 70 60 50
Display Quality (JPEG/PNG) RemoteDisplay.midQualityJPEG 35 35 35 35 35 35
Display Quality (JPEG/PNG) RemoteDisplay.minQualityJPEG 25 25 25 20 20 20
Display Quality (H.264) RemoteDisplay.qpmaxH264 28 36 36 36 36 42
Display Quality (H.264) RemoteDisplay.qpminH264 10 10 10 10 10 10