With an automated desktop pool of full virtual machines, you can specify a list of names for the desktop machines or provide a naming pattern. With an instant-clone desktop pool, you can only specify a naming pattern when provisioning the pool.

If you name machines by specifying a list, you can use your company's naming scheme, and you can associate each machine name with a user.

If you provide a naming pattern, Horizon 8 can dynamically create and assign machines as users need them.

The following table compares the two naming methods, showing how each method affects the way you create and administer a desktop pool.

Table 1. Naming machines Manually or Providing a machine-Naming Pattern
Feature Using a Machine-Naming Pattern Naming Machines Manually
Machine names The machine names are generated by appending a number to the naming pattern.

For details, see Using a Naming Pattern for Desktop Pools.

You specify a list of machine names.

In a dedicated-assignment pool, you can pair users with machines by listing user names with the machine names.

For details, see Specify a List of Machine Names.

Pool size You specify a maximum number of machines. Your list of machine names determines the number of machines.
To add machines to the pool You can increase the maximum pool size. You can add machine names to the list.

For details, see Add Machines to an Automated Pool Provisioned by a List of Names.

On-demand provisioning Available.

Horizon 8 dynamically creates and provisions the specified minimum and spare number of machines as users first log in or as you assign machines to users.

Horizon 8 can also create and provision all the machines when you create the pool.

Not available.

Horizon 8 creates and provisions all the machines that you specify in your list when the pool is created.

Initial customization Available.

When a machine is provisioned, Horizon 8 can run a customization specification that you select.


When a machine is provisioned, Horizon 8 can run a customization specification that you select.

Manual customization of dedicated machines

Not available to instant clones.

To customize machines and return desktop access to your users, you must remove and reassign the ownership of each machine. Depending on whether you assign machines on first log in, you might have to perform these steps twice. You cannot start machines in maintenance mode. After the pool is created, you can manually put the machines into maintenance mode.

You can customize and test machines without having to reassign ownership.

When you create the pool, you can start all machines in maintenance mode to prevent users from accessing them. You can customize the machines and exit maintenance mode to return access to your users.

For details, see Manually Customizing Machines.

Dynamic or fixed pool size Dynamic.

If you remove a user assignment from a machine in a dedicated-assignment pool, the machine is returned to the pool of available machines.

If you choose to delete machines on logoff in a floating-assignment pool, the pool size can grow or shrink depending on the number of active user sessions.

Note: Instant-clone pools can only be floating-assignment pools. The machines are always deleted on logoff.

The pool contains the number of machines you provide in the list of machine names.

You cannot select the Delete machine on logoff setting if you name machines manually.

Spare machines You can specify a number of spare machines that Horizon 8 keeps powered on for new users.

Horizon 8 creates new machines to maintain the specified number. Horizon 8 stops creating spare machines when it reaches the maximum pool size.

Horizon 8 keeps the spare machines powered on even when the pool power policy is Power off or Suspend, or when you do not set a power policy.

You can specify a number of spare machines that Horizon 8 keeps powered on for new users.

Horizon 8 does not create new spare machines to maintain the specified number.

Horizon 8 keeps the spare machines powered on even when the pool power policy is Power off or Suspend, or when you do not set a power policy.

User assignment You can use a naming pattern for dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools. You can specify machine names for dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools.
Note: In a floating-assignment pool, you cannot associate user names with machine names. The machines are not dedicated to the associated users. In a floating-assignment pool, all machines that are not currently in use remain accessible to any user who logs in.