Horizon Connection Server events report Connection Server-related information, such as desktop and application sessions, user authentication failures, and provisioning errors.

The BROKER_DAILY_MAX_DESKTOP_SESSIONS event reports the maximum number of concurrent desktop sessions over a 24-hour period. If a user runs multiple desktop sessions concurrently, each desktop session is counted separately.

The BROKER_DAILY_MAX_APP_USERS event reports the maximum number of concurrent application users over a 24-hour period. If a user runs multiple applications concurrently, the user is counted only once. Short-lived sessions might not be included in the count because the sampling is performed every five minutes.

The BROKER_VC_DISABLED and BROKER_VC_ENABLED events report the state of the vCenter driver that VMware Horizon uses to track a vCenter Server instance.

The BROKER_VC_STATUS_* events report the state of a vCenter Server instance.

The following table lists all the event types for Connection Server.

Table 1. Connection Server Events
Event Type Severity ModuleAndEventText
BROKER_AGENT_OFFLINE WARNING The agent running on machine ${MachineName} has not responded to queries, marking it as offline
BROKER_AGENT_ONLINE WARNING The agent running on machine ${MachineName} is responding again, but did not send a startup message
BROKER_APPLICATION_LAUNCH_FAILURE ERROR Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: The broker encountered an error while processing the request, please contact support for assistance
BROKER_APPLICATION_MISSING WARNING At least ${ApplicationMissingCount} applications, including ${ApplicationExecutable}, are not installed on ${MachineName} in Pool ${PoolId}
BROKER_APPLICATION_NOT_ENTITLED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: User is not entitled to this Pool
BROKER_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${PoolId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Requested protocol ${ProtocolId} is not supported
BROKER_APPLICATION_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Application ${Application Id}
BROKER_APPLICATION_SESSION_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested an application session from Pool ${PoolId}
BROKER_DAILY_MAX_DESKTOP_SESSIONS INFO ${Time}: Over the past 24 hours, the maximum number of concurrent desktop sessions was ${UserCount}
BROKER_DAILY_MAX_APP_USERS INFO ${Time}: Over the past 24 hours, the maximum number of users with concurrent application sessions was ${UserCount}
BROKER_DESKTOP_LAUNCH_FAILURE ERROR Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: The broker encountered an error while processing the request, please contact support for assistance
BROKER_DESKTOP_NOT_ENTITLED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: User is not entitled to this Pool
BROKER_DESKTOP_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Requested protocol ${ProtocolId} is not supported
BROKER_DESKTOP_REQUEST INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_EVENT_HANDLING_STARTED INFO Broker ${BrokerName} has started handling events
BROKER_EVENT_HANDLING_STOPPED INFO ${BrokerName} has stopped handling events
BROKER_MACHINE_ALLOCATED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} requested Pool ${DesktopId}, allocated machine ${MachineName}
BROKER_MACHINE_ASSIGNED_UNAVAILABLE AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Assigned machine ${MachineName} is unavailable
BROKER_MACHINE_CANNOT_CONNECT AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Failed to connect to Machine ${MachineName} using ${ProtocolId}
BROKER_MACHINE_CONFIGURED_VIDEO_SETTINGS INFO Successfully configured video settings for Machine VM ${MachineName} in Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_MACHINE_NOT_READY WARNING Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Machine ${MachineName} is not ready to accept connections
BROKER_MACHINE_OPERATION_DELETED INFO machine ${MachineName} has been deleted
BROKER_MACHINE_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Machine ${MachineName} does not support protocol ${ProtocolId}
BROKER_MACHINE_PROTOCOL_UNAVAILABLE AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Machine ${MachineName} did not report protocol ${ProtocolId} as ready
BROKER_MACHINE_REJECTED_SESSION WARNING Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Machine ${MachineName} rejected the start session request
BROKER_MACHINE_SESSION_TIMEDOUT WARNING Session for user ${UserDisplayName} timed out
BROKER_MULTIPLE_DESKTOPS_FOR_KIOSK_USER WARNING User ${UserDisplayName} is entitled to multiple desktop pools
BROKER_POOL_CANNOT_ASSIGN AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: There are no machines available to assign the user to
BROKER_POOL_COMANAGER_REQUIRED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: No co-management availability for protocol ${ProtocolId}
BROKER_POOL_EMPTY AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: The Desktop Pool is empty
BROKER_POOL_NO_MACHINE_ASSIGNED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: No machine assigned to this user
BROKER_POOL_NO_RESPONSES AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: No machines in the Desktop Pool are responsive
BROKER_POOL_OVERLOADED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: All responding machines are currently in use
BROKER_POOL_POLICY_VIOLATION AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: This Desktop Pool does not allow online sessions
BROKER_POOL_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: There were no machines available that support protocol ${ProtocolId}
BROKER_POOL_PROTOCOL_UNAVAILABLE AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: There were no machines available that reported protocol ${ProtocolId} as ready
BROKER_POOL_TUNNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED AUDIT_FAIL Unable to launch from Pool ${DesktopId} for user ${UserDisplayName}: Tunnelling is not supported for protocol ${ProtocolId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_CONFIG_CLEARED INFO The previously reported configuration problem is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_CONFIG_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a configuration problem
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_DISK_CLEARED INFO The previously reported disk problem is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_DISK_LC_RESERVATION_CLEARED INFO The previously reported error due to available free disk space reserved for linked clones is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_DISK_LC_RESERVATION_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because available free disk space is reserved for linked clones
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_DISK_SET WARNING Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a disk problem
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_LICENCE_CLEARED INFO The previously reported licensing problem is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_LICENCE_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a licensing problem
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_NETWORKING_CLEARED INFO The previously reported networking problems with Horizon Agent are no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_NETWORKING_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a networking problem with Horizon Agent
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_RESOURCE_CLEARED INFO The previously reported resource problem is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_RESOURCE_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a resource problem
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_TIMEOUT_CUSTOMIZATION_CLEARED INFO The previously reported timeout while customizing is no longer present on Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_TIMEOUT_CUSTOMIZATION_SET ERROR Provisioning error occurred on Pool ${DesktopId} because of a timeout while customizing
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_VM_CLONING ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Cloning failed for Machine
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_VM_CUSTOMIZATION_ERROR ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Customization failed for Machine
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_VM_CUSTOMIZATION_NETWORKING ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Customization error due to no network communication between Horizon Agent and Connection Server
BROKER_PROVISIONING_ERROR_VM_CUSTOMIZATION_TIMEOUT ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Customization operation timed out
BROKER_PROVISIONING_SVI_ERROR_RECONFIG_FAILED ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Reconfigure operation failed
BROKER_PROVISIONING_SVI_ERROR_REFIT_ FAILED ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Refit operation ${SVIOperation} failed
BROKER_PROVISIONING_SVI_ERROR_ REMOVING_VM ERROR Provisioning error occurred for Machine ${MachineName}: Unable to remove Machine from inventory
BROKER_PROVISIONING_VERIFICATION_ FAILED_USER_ASSIGNED WARNING Provisioning verification failed for Machine ${MachineName}: User is already assigned to a machine in Pool ${DesktopId}
BROKER_PROVISIONING_VERIFICATION_ FAILED_USER_CANNOT_BE_ASSIGNED WARNING Provisioning verification failed for Machine ${MachineName}: A user cannot be assigned because Pool ${DesktopId} is not persistent
BROKER_PROVISIONING_VERIFICATION_ FAILED_VMNAME_IN_USE WARNING Provisioning verification failed for Machine ${MachineName}: A machine already exists in Pool ${DesktopId} with name ${MachineName}
BROKER_SVI_ARCHIVE_UDD_FAILED AUDIT_FAIL Failed to archive user data disk ${UserDiskName} to location ${SVIPath}
BROKER_SVI_ARCHIVE_UDD_SUCCEEDED AUDIT_SUCCESS Archived user data disk ${UserDiskName} to location ${SVIPath}
BROKER_SVI_ATTACH_UDD_FAILED AUDIT_FAIL Failed to attach user data disk ${UserDiskName} to VM ${SVIVMID}
BROKER_SVI_DETACH_UDD_FAILED AUDIT_FAIL Failed to detach user data disk ${UserDiskName} from VM ${SVIVMID}
BROKER_SVI_DETACH_UDD_SUCCEEDED AUDIT_SUCCESS Detached user data disk ${UserDiskName} from VM ${SVIVMID}
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_ACCOUNT_ DISABLED AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because the account is disabled
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_ACCOUNT_ EXPIRED AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because the account has expired
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_ACCOUNT_ LOCKED_OUT AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because the account is locked out
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_ACCOUNT_ RESTRICTION AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because of an account restriction
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_BAD_USER_ PASSWORD AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because of a bad username or password
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_GENERAL AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_NO_LOGON_ SERVERS AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because there are no logon servers
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_PASSWORD_ EXPIRED AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because the password has expired
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_PASSWORD_ MUST_CHANGE AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because the password must change
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_SECUREID_ NEWPIN_REJECTED AUDIT_FAIL SecurID access denied for user ${UserDisplayName} because new pin was rejected
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_SECUREID_ WRONG_NEXTTOKEN AUDIT_FAIL SecurID access denied for user ${UserDisplayName} because wrong next token entered
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_SECUREID_ WRONG_STATE AUDIT_FAIL SecurID access denied for user ${UserDisplayName} because of incorrect state
BROKER_USER_AUTHFAILED_TIME_ RESTRICTION AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} failed to authenticate because of a time restriction
BROKER_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} has authenticated, but is not authorized to perform the operation
BROKER_USER_NOT_ENTITLED AUDIT_FAIL User ${UserDisplayName} has authenticated, but is not entitled to any Pools
BROKER_USERCHANGEDPASSWORD AUDIT_SUCCESS Password for ${UserDisplayName} has been changed by the user
BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN AUDIT_SUCCESS User ${UserDisplayName} has logged in
BROKER_USERLOGGEDOUT AUDIT_SUCCESS User ${UserDisplayName} has logged out
BROKER_VC_DISABLED INFO vCenter at address ${VCAddress} has been temporarily disabled
BROKER_VC_ENABLED INFO vCenter at address ${VCAddress} has been enabled
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_CANNOT_ LOGIN WARNING Cannot log in to vCenter at address ${VCAddress}
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_DOWN INFO vCenter at address ${VCAddress} is down
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_INVALID_ CREDENTIALS WARNING vCenter at address ${VCAddress} has invalid credentials
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_NOT_YET_ CONNECTED INFO Not yet connected to vCenter at address ${VCAddress}
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_ RECONNECTING INFO Reconnecting to vCenter at address ${VCAddress}
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_UNKNOWN WARNING The status of vCenter at address ${VCAddress} is unknown
BROKER_VC_STATUS_CHANGED_UP INFO vCenter at address ${VCAddress} is up
BROKER_USER_LOCK_SSO Indicates that the Connection Server's SSO credentials have been discarded due to timeout or screen lock. Event text: SSO credentials locked for user <domain name\user name>.
BROKER_LMV_REMOTE_POD_DESKTOP_LAUNCH Indicates that a user's session was redirected to a remote pod for launching a desktop session, in a CPA environment. Event text: Remote pod <Pod name> has launched a desktop for user <User Name> from global entitlement <Global Entitlement Name>.