Horizon Agent events report Horizon Agent-related information, such as the users who have logged in to or disconnected from a specific machine, whether Horizon Agent has shut down on a specific machine, and whether Horizon Agent has sent a start up message from a specific machine to Horizon Connection Server.

Table 1. Horizon Agent Events
Event Type Severity ModuleAndEventText
AGENT_CONNECTED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} has logged in to a new session on machine ${MachineName}
AGENT_DISCONNECTED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} has disconnected from machine ${MachineName}
AGENT_ENDED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} has logged off machine ${MachineName}
AGENT_PENDING INFO The agent running on machine ${MachineName} has accepted an allocated session for user ${UserDisplayName}
AGENT_PENDING_ EXPIRED WARNING The pending session on machine ${MachineName} for user ${UserDisplayName} has expired
AGENT_RECONFIGURED INFO Machine ${MachineName} has been successfully reconfigured
AGENT_RECONNECTED INFO User ${UserDisplayName} has reconnected to machine ${MachineName}
AGENT_RESUME INFO The agent on machine ${MachineName} sent a resume message
AGENT_SHUTDOWN INFO The agent running on machine ${MachineName} has shut down, this machine will be unavailable
AGENT_STARTUP INFO The agent running on machine ${MachineName} has contacted the connection server and sent a startup message
AGENT_SUSPEND INFO The agent on machine ${MachineName} sent a suspend message