You can generate and manage log collection tasks, and download log bundles for Connection Server, desktop pools, and farms in Horizon Console.

With full administrative privileges, you can see and manage all log collection task operations, which include canceling log creation requests and deleting other users' completed log collection tasks.

Administrators without full privileges can see, manage, and cancel only the tasks they initiated.


You must have log collection privileges to collect logs. In Horizon Console, navigate to Settings > Administrators > Role Privileges > Add Role. Create a custom role with the Collection Operation Logs privilege, and add this role to the administrator's permissions.


  1. In Horizon Console, navigate to Troubleshooting > Log Collection.
  2. In the Collect tab, select the component type, and click Find.
    Component types include:
    • Connection Server: select a connection server.
    • Agent: select a desktop pool from the current pod.
    • Agent RDS: select a farm from the current pod.
  3. Select a component from the list, and click Collect.
    The Log Collection Status window lists the selected components and the log collection task status for each component. Status includes successfully queued logs and failures due to an error. You can refresh the list to see status updates.
    • Connection Server: The log collection task for a Connection Server might fail with Server busy, try again later error if that Connection Server is the owner for an Agent log collection task.
    • Agent: After the log collection task completes in the Agent, the Agent log bundles are copied to the Connection Server’s local file system.
    Note: If a log has already been requested for a specific component, that component will be disabled to prevent duplicate log creation requests.
  4. In the Manage tab, Download column, click the link to download the log bundle for the component.
    The log bundle is downloaded into the user's local file system.
  5. To delete a log bundle of a completed log collection task, select the component, and click Delete.
    The log bundle generated in the log storage directory on the local file system will be deleted. The Delete operation deletes the log collection task and the associated log bundle stored in the log storage directory (default directory: %PROGRAMDATA%/VMware/VDM/DCT) on the Connection Server’s local file system.
    Note: You must have full administrative privileges to perform this operation.
  6. To cancel a log creation task that you initiated, select the component, and click Cancel. You must cancel tasks in an error state before initiating the next task.
    The Cancel process varies per component for ongoing and completed tasks:
    Component Ongoing Task Process Completed Task Process
    Connection Server
    1. The process running in the background is aborted.
    2. The intermediate files generated in the log storage location are deleted.
    3. The task is deleted.
    Note: If the process running in the background stops due to an error, the abort operation might fail, requiring a manual intervention to recover.
    1. The log bundle generated in the log storage location is deleted.
    2. The task is deleted.
    1. Connection Server waits for the log collection to complete in the Agent.
    2. The Agent log bundle is copied to the Connection Server.
    3. The log bundle is deleted.
    4. The task is deleted.
    1. The log bundle stored in the log storage location is deleted.
    2. The task is deleted.