Horizon Agent and Horizon Client, and the remote desktops and client systems on which you install the agent and client software, must meet certain requirements to support the HTML5 Multimedia Redirection feature.

Remote desktop
Client system
  • For Windows client systems, Horizon Client for Windows must be installed with the Support for HTML5 Multimedia Redirection and Browser Redirection custom setup option selected. This option is selected by default. See the topics about installing Horizon Client in the VMware Horizon Client for Windows Installation and Setup Guide document.
  • For Linux client systems, Horizon Client for Linux must be installed with the HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Support custom setup option selected. This option is selected by default. See the topics about installing Horizon Client in the VMware Horizon Client for Linux Installation and Setup Guide
Display protocol for the remote session
  • PCoIP
  • VMware Blast
TCP port
HTML5 Multimedia Redirection uses port 9427.
The HTML5 Multimedia Redirection feature has the following limitations.
  • The Horizon Client relative mouse feature is not supported.
  • You cannot use Mute site (Chrome browser) or Mute tab (Edge browser) to mute redirected video content.
  • To use HTML5 Multimedia Redirection from Chrome on a Linux client system, open at most one Chrome browser published by an RDS host. HTML5 Multimedia Redirection does not work properly if you open an additional Chrome browser published by another RDS host.
  • If you encounter slow performance when playing redirected multimedia content on a Linux client system that uses lower-capacity thin client hardware, you can optimize the system performance as described here. Add the entrydisableGPU.html5mmr=true to one of the following three configuration files. The configuration files are processed in the listed order:
    1. /usr/lib/vmware/config
    2. /etc/vmware/config
    3. ~/.vmware/config