To make User Configuration settings that usually apply to a computer apply to all of the users that log in to that computer, enable loopback processing.


  • Create GPOs for the Horizon component group policy settings and link them to the OU that contains your Horizon machines.
  • Verify that you can log in as an Administrator domain user on the machine that hosts your Active Directory server.
  • Verify that the MMC and the Group Policy Management snap-in are available on your Active Directory server.


  1. On the Active Directory server, open the Group Policy Management Console.
  2. Expand your domain, right-click the GPO that you created for the group policy settings, and select Edit.
  3. In the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates: Policy definitions > System > Group Policy.
  4. In the right pane, double-click Configure user Group Policy loopback processing mode.
  5. Select Enabled and then select a loopback processing mode from the Mode drop-down menu.
    Option Action
    Merge The user policy settings applied are the combination of those included in both the computer and user GPOs. Where conflicts exist, the computer GPOs take precedence.
    Replace The user policy is defined entirely from the GPOs associated with the computer. Any GPOs associated with the user are ignored.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.