Use the lmvutil command with the --listUserAssignments option to to list the dedicated desktop pool assignments for a user and global entitlement combination.


lmvutil --listUserAssignments {--userName domain\username | --entitlementName name | --podName name | --siteName name}

Usage Notes

The data produced by this command is managed internally by the Cloud Pod Architecture brokering software.

This command returns an error if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized or if the command cannot find the specified user, global entitlement, pod, or site.


You must specify one of the following options when you list user assignments.

Table 1. Options for Listing User Assignments
Option Description

Name of the user for whom you want to list assignments. Use the format domain\username. This option lists the global entitlement, pod, and site assignments for the specified user.


Name of a global entitlement. This option lists the users assigned to the specified global entitlement.


Name of a pod. This option lists the users assigned to the specified pod.


Name of a site. This option lists the users assigned to the specified site.


lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword
"*" --listUserAssignments --podName "East Pod 1"