The VMware Integrated Printing ADMX template file (printerRedirection.admx) contains policy settings related to the VMware Integrated Printing feature.

These settings are in the Group Policy Management Editor in the Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > VMware Integrated Printing folder and also in User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > VMware View Agent Configuration > VMware Integrated Printing folder. If the User Configuration setting is enabled, it overrides the equivalent Computer Configuration setting. If the User Configuration setting is not enabled, the Computer Configuration settings is used.

Table 1. VMware Integrated Printing Policy Settings
Setting Description
Default settings for UPD printers When this setting is enabled, you can define the following default settings for UPD printers.
  • Duplex: None, Flip on Long Edge, or Flip on Short Edge
  • Color: Black/White or Color
  • Compression Level: Lossless, High Quality, Optimized, No Image

When a client printer supports Duplex printing, the default Duplex print setting will be used as the initial Duplex print setting of the UPD printer. If a client printer supports Duplex printing and the checkbox Always use default duplex setting is selected, the redirected UPD printer will always use the default Duplex print setting as the Duplex print setting and user cannot change the Duplex print setting.

If a client printer does not support the Duplex print setting, the default Duplex print setting and Always use default duplex setting setting will be ignored by the redirected UPD printer.

Color print setting is similar. If a client printer does not support the Color print setting, the default Color print setting and Always use default color setting setting will be ignored by the redirected UPD printer.

For example, a client printer supports Color printing but does not support Duplex printing. When defining the default Duplex setting to Flip On Long Edge and defining Color setting to Color, the initial setting of the redirected UPD printer is Simplex and Color.

For each print setting, selecting or deselecting a checkbox determines whether or not a user can change the default print setting.

When this setting is disabled or not configured, default settings are not enabled for UPD printers.

This setting is not configured by default.

Disable LBP Specifies whether location-based printing is enabled. When this setting is enabled, location-based printing is disabled. When this setting is disabled or not configured, location-based printing is enabled.
Disable Printer Property Persistence Determines whether printer properties are persistent. When this setting is enabled, printer properties are not persistent between the client local printer and the redirected printer. When this setting is disabled or not configured, printer properties are persistent between the client local printer and the redirected printer.

This setting is not configured by default.

Disable printer redirection for non-desktop client Determines whether VMware Integrated Printing is supported for non-desktop client endpoints.

When this setting is enabled, VMware Integrated Printing is not supported for non-desktop client endpoints. When this setting is not configured or disabled, VMware Integrated Printing is supported for non-desktop client endpoints.

This setting is not configured by default.

Do not change default printer Determines whether VMware Integrated Printing changes the default printer in remote sessions.

By default, if any location-based printer is configured as the default printer, that printer is set as the default printer in remote sessions. If no location-based printer is configured to be the default printer, the default client printer is set as the default printer in remote sessions and overwrites any printer selected in the VM image. You can use this setting to override this behavior.

If you enable this setting, VMware Integrated Printing does not change the default printer in remote sessions.

If you disable or do not configure this setting, VMware Integrated Printing changes the default printer in remote sessions. This is the default behavior.

This setting is not configured by default.

Do not redirect client printer(s) Determines whether client printers are redirected.

When this setting is enabled, no client printers are redirected. When this setting is disabled or not configured, all client printers are redirected.

This setting is not configured by default.

Changes to this setting do not take effect until the user disconnects and reconnects to the remote desktop.

Limit Tx Rate (KBps) Limits the transmission rate in kilobypes per second (KBps) of all print jobs. The minimum allowed Tx rate is 200KBps. The maximum allowed Tx rate is 4000KBps. When this setting is not configured, disabled, or set to a Tx rate greater than the maximum (4000KBps), the Tx rate is not limited.

This setting is not configured by default.

Print Preview Setting Configures the print preview behavior.

Disable Print Choice determines whether the print target is enabled. When this setting is selected, users cannot select the print target. When this setting is deselected or not configured, users can select the print target, which can be print preview or print directly. It is not configured by default.

Print Target Default Choices specifies the default print target. You can select one of the following options:

  • Print directly: the default print option in the print user interface is to print directly.
  • Print preview: the default print option in the print user interface is print preview.
Printer Driver Selection Specifies the printer driver to use for redirected client printers. When this setting is enabled, the options are as follows:
  • Always Use NPD uses the native printer driver for the redirected printer.
  • Always Use UPD uses the universal printer driver for the redirected printer
  • Use NPD First, then UPD uses the native printer driver first and, if the native printer does not exist, uses the universal printer driver.
  • Use UPD First, then NPD uses the universal printer driver first and, if the universal printer driver does not exist, uses the native printer driver.

When this setting is disabled or not configured, the default value is Use NPD First, then UPD .

Printer Name Schema Determines the printer naming convention when you use VMware Integrated Printing.

When this setting is enabled, you can change the printer name schema used for virtual desktops, published desktops, and published applications.

The printer name schema must be in the format "%P (*)", where * represents the configurable part of the printer name. You can specify the following variables:

  • %S: session ID
  • %C: client machine name

If this setting is enabled, but the printer name schema is empty or invalid, the default printer name schema is used.

When this setting is not configured or disabled, virtual desktops use the printer name schema "%P (vdi)". Published desktops and published applications use the printer name schema "%P (v%S)".

This setting is not configured by default.

Specify a filter in redirecting client printers Specifies a rule that filters client printers from printer redirection. When this setting is enabled, you can type a filtering rule in the Printer Filter text box. The filtering rule is a regular expression that specifies the printers that are not redirected (a deny list). Any printer that does not match the printers in the filtering rule is redirected.

The following attributes, operators, and wild cards are supported in the filtering rule:

  • Attributes: DriverName, VendorName, and PrinterName
  • Operators: AND, OR, and NOT
  • Wild cards: * and ?

Following are examples of filtering rules.

(DriverName="DrName1" OR VendorName="VeName1") AND NOT PrinterName="PrNa.?e"
PrinterName=".*HP.*" OR PrinterName=".*EPSON.*" AND DriverName="PDF"
Note: The filtering rule is not case sensitive. To use an exact match, use a regular expression such as "^HP$" rather than "HP".

By default, the filtering rule is empty, which means that all client printers are redirected.