You can remove an RDS host from a manual farm to reduce the scale of the farm, to perform maintenance on the RDS host, or for other reasons. As a best practice, disable the RDS host and ensure that users are logged off from active sessions before you remove a host from a farm.

If users have application or desktop sessions on hosts that you remove, the sessions remain active, but Horizon does not track them. A user who disconnects from a session will be unable to reconnect to it, and any unsaved data might be lost.

You can also remove an RDS host from an automated farm. One possible reason might be that the RDS host is in an unrecoverable error state.


  1. In Horizon Console, select Inventory > Farms.
  2. Click the farm ID.
  3. Select the RDS Hosts tab.
  4. Select one or more RDS hosts.
  5. Click Remove from farm.
  6. Click OK.