For many configuration elements, including RAM, CPU, and storage sizing, requirements depend largely on the type of worker who uses the virtual desktop and on the applications that must be installed.

For architecture planning, workers can be categorized into several types.

Task workers
Task workers and administrative workers perform repetitive tasks within a small set of applications, usually at a stationary computer. The applications are usually not as CPU- and memory-intensive as the applications used by knowledge workers. Task workers who work specific shifts might all log in to their virtual desktops at the same time. Task workers include call center analysts, retail employees, warehouse workers, and so on.
Knowledge workers
Knowledge workers' daily tasks include accessing the Internet, using email, and creating complex documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Knowledge workers include accountants, sales managers, marketing research analysts, and so on.
Power users
Power users include application developers and people who use graphics-intensive applications. These users and applications tend to be CPU and memory intensive and therefore these considerations should be made in the architecture process.
Kiosk users
These users need to share a desktop that is located in a public place. Examples of kiosk users include students using a shared computer in a classroom, nurses at nursing stations, and computers used for job placement and recruiting. These desktops require automatic login. Authentication can be done through certain applications if necessary.