You can redirect card readers that are plugged into a USB port over PCoIP virtual channel on a Windows client system to virtual desktops.

These card readers are supported:
Table 1. Supported Card Readers
Device Client OS Windows OS Servers Protocol
Sony FeliCa RC-S320 Windows 10 1809 64-bit Windows 10 1809 64-bit

Windows 10 1903 64-bit

Sony PaSoRi RC-S380 Windows 10 1809 64-bit Windows 10 1809 64-bit

Windows 10 1903 64-bit


Configure USB over PCoIP Virtual Channel

To configure USB over PCoIP virtual channel using UDP port 4172, modify the registry in Horizon Agent:
  1. Set the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Agent\Configuration\UsbVirtualChannelEnabled (REG_SZ) to true.
  2. Set the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware UsbRedirection\sideChannelType (REG_SZ) to pcoip.
  3. Reboot the Horizon Agent VM.
To check the configuration is in effect:
  1. Connect the Horizon Agent desktop with PCoIP protocol.
  2. Check the Horizon Client log from "C:\Users\<username>\ AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-<username>\vmware-UsbRedirectionClient-xxxx.log". If the configuration is in effect, you can find the "RPCManager::OnChannelDataObjectStateChanged(): Requesting virtual side channel" in this file.