The list of available user domains can be provided to connecting clients prior to user authentication, and if provided, the list can be displayed to users in a drop-down menu.

This information is withheld by default but can be provided by enabling the Send domain list global setting in Horizon Console.

It is safe to provide the domain list to clients if they connect to the environment through a Unified Access Gateway appliance that is configured to perform two-factor pre-authentication. The domain list is not sent to a client until pre-authentication is successful. For more information on configuring two-factor authentication for a Unified Access Gateway appliance, see the Unified Access Gateway documentation at

The Hide domain list in client user interface setting affects the client's user interface only, it doesn't change what information the server provides to the client. This setting is disabled by default.

When users log in to a server, and Send domain list is disabled, and Hide domain list in client user interface is enabled, the Domain drop-down menu in Horizon Client shows *DefaultDomain* and users might need to enter a domain, for example, username@domain, in the User name text box. If users do not enter the domain manually, and if more than one domain is configured, they might fail to log in to the server.

The following table shows how the Send domain list and Hide domain list in client user interface global settings determine how users can log in to the server.

Send domain list setting Hide domain list in client user interface setting How users log in
Disabled (default) Enabled The Domain drop-down menu is hidden. Users must enter one of the following values in the User name text box.
  • User name (not allowed for multiple domains)
  • domain\username
Disabled (default) Disabled If a default domain is configured on the client, the default domain appears in the Domain drop-down menu. If the client does not know a default domain, *DefaultDomain* appears in the Domain drop-down menu. Users must enter one of the following values in the User name text box.
  • User name (not allowed for multiple domains)
  • domain\username
Enabled Enabled The Domain drop-down menu is hidden. Users must enter one of the following values in the User name text box.
  • User name (not allowed for multiple domains)
  • domain\username
Enabled Disabled Users can enter a user name in the User name text box and then select a domain from the Domain drop-down menu. Alternatively, users can enter one of the following values in the User name text box.
  • domain\username