HorizonHorizon 8 constantly monitors the health of the pod federation by checking the health of each pod and Connection Server instances in those pods. You can review the health of a pod federation in Horizon Console.

You can also review the health of a pod federation from the command line by using the vdmadmin command with the -H option. For information about vdmadmin syntax, see the Horizon Administration document.

Important: Horizon 8 event databases are not shared across pods in a pod federation.


  1. Log in to the Horizon Console user interface for any Connection Server instance in the pod federation.
  2. In Horizon Console, select Monitor > Dashboard.
  3. In the System Health pane, click View and then click Remote Pods.


The Remote Pods page lists all pods, their member Connection Server instances, and the known health status for each Connection Server instance.

A green health icon indicates that the Connection Server instance is online and available for the Cloud Pod Architecture feature. A red health icon indicates that the Connection Server instance is offline or the Cloud Pod Architecture feature cannot connect to the Connection Server instance to confirm its availability.