You can update your existing support request at the Support Web site.

After you file a support request, you might receive an email request from VMware Technical Support asking for the output file from the support or svi-support scripts. When you run the scripts, they inform you of the name and location of the output file. Reply to the email message and attach the output file to the reply.

If the output file is too large to include as an attachment (10MB or more), contact VMware Technical Support, tell them the number of your support request, and request FTP upload instructions. Alternatively, you can attach the file to your existing support request at the Support Web site.


  1. Visit the Support page at the VMware Web site and log in.
  2. Click Support Request History and find the applicable support request number.
  3. Update the support request and attach the output that you obtained by running the support or svi-support script.