The View PCoIP ADMX template file contains group policy settings that configure PCoIP settings that affect the use of the keyboard.

All of these settings are in the Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > PCoIP Session Variables > Overridable Administrator Defaults folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

All of these settings are also in the User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > PCoIP Session Variables > Not Overridable Administrator Settings folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

Table 1. Horizon PCoIP Session Variables for the Keyboard
Setting Description
Disable sending CAD when users press Ctrl+Alt+Del When this policy is activated, users must press Ctrl+Alt+Insert instead of Ctrl+Alt+Del to send a Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) to the remote desktop during a PCoIP session.

You might want to activate this setting if users become confused when they press Ctrl+Alt+Del to lock the client endpoint and an SAS is sent to both the host and the guest.

This setting applies to Horizon Agent only and has no effect on a client.

When this policy is not configured or is deactivated, users can press Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Alt+Insert to send an SAS to the remote desktop.

Use alternate key for sending Secure Attention Sequence Specifies an alternate key, instead of the Insert key, for sending a Secure Attention Sequence (SAS).

You can use this setting to preserve the Ctrl+Alt+Ins key sequence in virtual machines that are launched from inside a remote desktop during a PCoIP session.

For example, a user can launch a vSphere Client from inside a PCoIP desktop and open a console on a virtual machine in vCenter Server. If the Ctrl+Alt+Ins sequence is used inside the guest operating system on the vCenter Server virtual machine, a Ctrl+Alt+Del SAS is sent to the virtual machine. This setting allows the Ctrl+Alt+Alternate Key sequence to send a Ctrl+Alt+Del SAS to the PCoIP desktop.

When this setting is activated, you must select an alternate key from a drop-down menu. You cannot activate the setting and leave the value unspecified.

When this setting is deactivated or not configured, the Ctrl+Alt+Ins key sequence is used as the SAS.

This setting applies to Horizon Agent only and has no effect on a client.