You can provision the machines in a pool by providing a naming pattern and the total number of machines you want in the pool. By default, Horizon 8 uses your pattern as a prefix in all the machine names and appends a unique number to identify each machine.

Length of the Naming Pattern in a Machine Name

Machine names have a 15-character limit, including your naming pattern and the automatically generated number.

Table 1. Maximum Length of the Naming Pattern in a Machine Name
If You Set This Number of Machines in the Pool This Is the Maximum Prefix Length
1-99 13 characters
100-999 12 characters
1,000 or more 11 characters

Names that contain fixed-length tokens have different length limits.

Using a Token in a Machine Name

You can place the automatically generated number anywhere else in the name by using a token. When you type the pool name, type n surrounded by curly brackets to designate the token.

For example: amber-{n}-desktop

When a machine is created, Horizon 8 replaces {n} with a unique number.

You can generate a fixed-length token by typing {n:fixed=number of digits}.

Horizon 8 replaces the token with numbers containing the specified number of digits.

For example, if you type amber-{n:fixed=3}, Horizon 8 replaces {n:fixed=3} with a three-digit number and creates these machine names: amber-001, amber-002, amber-003, and so on.

Length of the Naming Pattern When You Use a Fixed-Length Token

Names that contain fixed-length tokens have a 15-character limit, including your naming pattern and the number of digits in the token.

Table 2. Maximum Length of the Naming Pattern When You Use a Fixed-Length Token
Fixed-Length Token Maximum Length of the Naming Pattern
{n:fixed=1} 14 characters
{n:fixed=2} 13 characters
{n:fixed=3} 12 characters