VMware Horizon uses database tables to implement the event database. The event database prepends the names of these tables with a prefix that you define when you set up the database.

Event Database Tables

The following table shows the database tables that implement the event database in VMware Horizon.

Table 1. Event Database Tables
Table Name Description
event Metadata and search optimization data for recent events.
event_data Data values for recent events.
event_data_historical Data values for all events.
event_historical Metadata and search optimization data for all events.

VMware Horizon records details about events to all the database tables. After a certain period of time has elapsed since writing an event record, VMware Horizon deletes the record from the event and event_data tables. You can use Horizon Console to configure the time period for which the database keeps a record in the event and event_data tables.

Important: VMware Horizon does not restrict the growth of the event_historical and event_data_historical tables. You must implement a space management policy for these tables.

A unique primary key, EventID, identifies each event that VMware Horizon records in the event and event_historical tables. VMware Horizon records data values for each event in the event_data and event_data_historical tables. You can obtain the complete set of information for an event by joining the event and event_data tables or the event_ historical and event_data_historical tables on the EventID column.

The EventType, Severity, and Time columns in the event and event_historical tables identify the type and severity of an event and the time at which it occurred.

For information about setting up the event database, see the Horizon 8 Installation and Upgrade document.

Note: To purge data from the historical tables, see http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2150309.

Event Database Schemas

The following table shows the schema for the event and event_historical database tables.

Table 2. Schema for the event and event_historical Tables
Column Name Oracle Data Type SQL Server Data Type PostgreSQL Data Type Description
Acknowledged SMALLINT tinyint integer Whether VMware Horizon acknowledged the event.
  • 0 = false
  • 1 = true
Applicationid NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the associated application.
DesktopId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Desktop ID of the associated pool.
EndpointId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the associated endpoint.
EventID INTEGER int integer Unique primary key for the event.
EventType NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Event name that corresponds to an item in the message catalog. For example, BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN.
FolderPath NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Full path of the folder that contains the associated object.
GroupId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) SID of the associated group in Active Directory.
LUNId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the LUN that stores the associated object.
MachineId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the associated physical or virtual machine.
Module NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) VMware Horizon component that raised the event. For example, Admin, Broker, Tunnel, Framework, Client, or Agent.
ModuleAndEventText NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Event message with values substituted for attribute parameters.
Node NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Name of the virtual device node.
SessionId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the associated session.
Severity NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Severity level. For example, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, AUDIT_SUCCESS, AUDIT_FAIL.
Source NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Identifier for the source of the event.
ThinappId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the associated ThinApp object.
Time TIMESTAMP datetime timestamp without time zone Time at which the event occurred, measured from the epoch (January 1, 1970).
UserDiskPathId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) ID of the user disk.
UserSID NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) SID of the associated user in Active Directory.

The following table shows the schema for the event_data and event_data_historical database tables.

Table 3. Schema for the event_data and event_data_historical Tables
Column Name Oracle Data Type SQL Server Data Type PostgreSQL Data Type Description
BooleanValue SMALLINT tinyint integer Value of a Boolean attribute.
  • 0 = false
  • 1 = true
EventID INTEGER int integer Unique primary key for the event.
IntValue INTEGER int integer Value of an integer attribute.
Name NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Attribute name (for example, UserDisplayName).
StrBlobValue NCLOB nvarchar(max) text Value of a string attribute over 500 characters.
StrValue NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying(512) Value of a string attribute. For other types of attributes, this column contains an interpretation of the data type as a string.
TimeValue TIMESTAMP datetime timestamp without time zone Value of a date and time attribute.
Type SMALLINT tinyint integer The data type of the attribute.
  • 0 = StrValue
  • 1 = IntValue
  • 2 = TimeValue
  • 3 = BooleanValue
  • 4 = StrBlobValue

The following table shows the schema for the timing_profiler database table.

Table 4. Schema for the timing_profiler Table
Column Name Oracle Data Type SQL Server Data Type PostgreSQL Data Type Description
EventId NUMBER int integer Unique primary key for the event.
EventType NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying Type of the Timing Profiler event. For example: TIMING_PROFILER_DESKTOP_RECONNECT.
Properties NCLOB nvarchar(max) text JSON containing various attributes associated with this timing profiler event.
SessionId NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying Session associated with this event.
Time TIMESTAMP datetime timestamp without time zone Time at which the event occurred, measured from the epoch (January 1, 1970).
TimingProfilerTree NCLOB nvarchar(max) text Logon timing profiler tree.
UserSid NVARCHAR2(512) nvarchar(512) character varying User involved in this event.