You can use the vdmadmin command with the -A option to configure logging by Horizon Agent.


vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -getDCT-outfile local_file -d desktop -m machine
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -getlogfile logfile -outfile local_file -d desktop -m machine
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -getloglevel [-xml] -d desktop [-m machine]
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -getstatus [-xml] -d desktop [-m machine]
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -getversion [-xml] -d desktop [-m machine]
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -list [-xml] [-w | -n] -d desktop -m machine
vdmadmin -A [-b authentication_arguments] -setloglevel level -d desktop [-m machine]

Usage Notes

To assist VMware Technical Support in troubleshooting Horizon Agent, you can create a Data Collection Tool (DCT) bundle. You can also change the logging level, display the version and status of Horizon Agent, and save individual log files to your local disk.


The following table shows the options that you can specify to configure logging in Horizon Agent.

Table 1. Options for Configuring Logging in Horizon Agent
Option Description
-d desktop Specifies the desktop pool.
-getDCT Creates a Data Collection Tool (DCT) bundle and saves it to a local file.
-getlogfile logfile Specifies the name of the log file to save a copy of.
-getloglevel Displays the current logging level of Horizon Agent.
-getstatus Displays the status of Horizon Agent.
-getversion Displays the version of Horizon Agent.
-list List the log files for Horizon Agent.
-m machine Specifies the machine within a desktop pool.
-outfile local_file Specifies the name of the local file in which to save a DCT bundle or a copy of a log file.
-setloglevel level Sets the logging level of Horizon Agent.
Logs error, warning, and debugging events.
Logs error and warning events.
Logs error, warning, informational, and debugging events.


Display the logging level of Horizon Agent for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -getloglevel

Set the logging level of Horizon Agent for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2 to debug.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -setloglevel debug

Display the list of the Horizon Agent log files for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -list

Save a copy of the Horizon Agent log file log-2009-01-02.txt for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2 as C:\mycopiedlog.txt.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -getlogfile log-2009-01-02.txt -outfile C:\mycopiedlog.txt

Display the version of Horizon Agent for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -getversion

Display the status of Horizon Agent for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2.

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -getstatus

Create the DCT bundle for the machine machine1 in the desktop pool dtpool2 and write it to the zip file C:\

vdmadmin -A -d dtpool2 -m machine1 -getDCT -outfile C:\