The Simple Device Orientation (SDO) Sensor Redirection feature can sense changes in the screen orientation of a client device and accordingly display a different view on the device.

SDO Sensor Redirection integrates with your software application on Horizon Agent. If your application uses SimpleOrientationSensor class, the application can display content based on the current quadrant orientation of the client device.

System Requirements for SDO Sensor Redirection

The following devices are supported.
Table 1. Devices that Support SDO Sensor Redirection
Device Client OS Windows OS Servers Protocols
Surface Book Windows 10, Windows 11 Windows 10, Windows 11 PCoIP, Blast
Surface Pro Windows 10, Windows 11 Windows 10, Windows 11 PCoIP, Blast

For Horizon Agent operating systems, only Windows 10 64-bit is supported.

Installing SDO Sensor

SDO Sensor Redirection is a custom setup option in the Horizon Agent installer. It is not selected by default. You must select SDO Sensor Redirection to install it. For silent installation properties for SDO Sensor Redirection, see the Windows Desktops and Applications in Horizon 8 document.

Sensor Service on the local system must be enabled for the SDO driver to function. SDO sensor must be enabled on the client device.


Horizon Client logs for SDO sensor redirection are recorded in rdeSvc log file %TEMP%\vmware-%USERNAME%\vmware-rdeSvc-x-xxxxx.log.

Horizon Agent logs for SDO sensor redirection are recorded in rdeSvc log file C:\Windows\Temp\vmware-SYSTEM*\vmware-rdeSvc-x-xxxx.log.