The UNC Path Redirection template file (uncRedirection.admx) contains group policy settings that allow you to create rules for agent-to-client and client-to-agent redirection. The template file contains both Computer Configuration and User Configuration policies. All the settings are in the VMware Horizon UNC Redirection folder in the Group Policy Management Editor.

The following table describes the group policy settings in the UNC Path Redirection template file.

Table 1. UNC Path Redirection Group Policy Settings
Setting Computer User Properties
Enable UNC Path Redirection X This setting determines whether a UNC Path can be redirected. "Not Configured" or Disabled setting means feature is not enabled.

This setting is not configured by default.

UNC Path Redirection Filter Rule X Specifies the UNC Path that should be redirected. This setting has the following options:
  • Broker Hostname - IP address or fully qualified name of the connection broker host to use when redirecting UNC Path to a remote desktop or application.
  • Remote Item - display name of the remote desktop or application pool that can handle the UNC Path specified in Agent Rules.
  • Client Rules - the UNC Path that should be redirected to the client. For example, if you set Client Rules to .*mycompany\.com, all UNC Paths that include the string are redirected to the Windows-based client and are opened in the default application on the client.
    Note: The range of the redirected UNC Path can differ based on the rule syntax that you use.
    • The rule syntax .*mycompany\.com supports the redirection of all UNC Paths that contain the string, including
    • The rule syntax .*\.mycompany\.com supports the redirection of all UNC Paths that contain the string However, it does not support redirection of the root UNC Path. For example, is not redirected.
  • Agent Rules - the UNC Paths that should be redirected to the remote desktop or application specified in Remote Item. For example, if you set Agent Rules to .*, all UNC Paths that include the string are redirected to the remote desktop or application.
    Note: The range of redirected UNC Paths can differ based on the rule syntax that you use.
    • The rule syntax .*mycompany\.com supports the redirection of all UNC Paths that contain the string, including
    • The rule syntax .*\.mycompany\.com supports the redirection of all UNC Paths that contain the string However, it does not support redirection of the root UNC Path. For example, is not redirected.

You can enter regular expressions in Client Rules and Agent Rules. For complete syntax information, see Syntax for UNC Path Redirection Rules.

When you create agent rules, you must also use the Broker Hostname option to specify the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the connection broker host, and the Remote Item option to specify the display name of the desktop or application pool.

This setting is activated by default.
Note: When setting multiple rules, split each rule with a semicolon. Manual wrap is not supported.