VMware Horizon 8 calculates different sizing formulas when you edit an existing desktop pool, or store replicas on a separate datastore, than when you first create a pool.

If you edit an existing pool and select datastores for the pool, Horizon 8 creates new clones on the selected datastores. The new clones are anchored to the existing snapshot and use the existing replica disk. No new replicas are created.

Horizon 8 estimates the sizing requirements of new clones that are added to the desktop pool. Horizon 8 does not include the existing clones in the calculation.

If you store replicas on a separate datastore, the other selected datastores are dedicated to the OS disks.

The following table shows the formulas that calculate the estimated sizes of clone disks when you edit a pool or store replicas on a separate datastore.

Table 1. Storage Sizing Formulas for Clone Disks When You Edit a Pool or Store Replicas on a Separate Datastore
Data Type Selected Free Space (GB) Min Recommended (GB) 50% Utilization (GB) Max Recommended (GB)
OS disks Free space on the selected datastores Number of new VMs * (2 * memory of VM) Number of new VMs * (50% of replica disk + memory of VM) Number of new VMs * (100% of replica disk + memory of VM)

Example of a Storage Sizing Estimate When You Edit a Pool or Store Replicas on a Separate Datastore

In this example, the golden image virtual machine is configured with 1 GB of memory. The golden image virtual machine's disk size is 10 GB. A pool is created with 10 machines.

The OS disks are configured on a datastore that currently has 184.23 GB of available space.

The following table shows how the sizing formulas calculate estimated storage requirements for the sample pool.

Table 2. Example of a Sizing Estimate for Clone Disks When You Edit a Pool or Store Replicas on a Separate Datastore
Data Type Selected Free Space (GB) Min Recommended (GB) 50% Utilization (GB) Max Recommended (GB)
OS disks 184.23 10 * (2*1GB) =


10 * (50% of 10GB + 1GB) =


10 * (100% of 10GB + 1GB) =
