Certain issues might arise when you manage Linux desktops. You can follow various procedures to diagnose and fix problems. What to read next Display Problem Machines in Horizon ConsoleYou can display a list of the machines whose operation VMware Horizon 8 has detected as being suspect. Verify User Assignment for Desktop PoolsFor dedicated user assignments, you can verify if the user that is assigned to the virtual machine is the user that connects to the virtual desktop or not. Restart Desktops and Reset Virtual Machines in Horizon ConsoleYou can perform a restart operation on a virtual desktop, which performs a graceful operating system restart of the virtual machine. You can perform a reset operation on a virtual machine without the graceful operating system restart, which performs a hard power-off and power-on of the virtual machine. Send Messages to Desktop Users in Horizon ConsoleYou might sometimes need to send messages to users who are currently logged into desktops. For example, if you need to perform maintenance on a machine, you can ask the users to log out temporarily, or warn them of a future interruption in service. You can send a message to multiple users (there is no set limit on the number of users). Manage Machines and Policies for Unentitled Users in Horizon ConsoleYou can display the machines that are allocated to users whose entitlement has been removed, and you can also display the policies that have been applied to unentitled users. Using Horizon Help Desk Tool in Horizon ConsoleHorizon Help Desk Tool is a Web application that you can use to get the status of Horizon 8 user sessions and to perform troubleshooting and maintenance operations. Collect Diagnostic Information for a Linux Virtual MachineYou can collect diagnostic information to help VMware Technical Support diagnose and resolve issues with a Linux virtual machine that you are using to provision remote Horizon 8 resources. You create a Data Collection Tool (DCT) bundle that gathers the machine's configuration information and logs into a compressed tarball. Troubleshooting Instant Clones in the Internal VM Debug ModeYou can use the internal VM debug mode to troubleshoot internal virtual machines in instant-clone desktop pools and instant-clone farms. With the internal VM debug mode, you can analyze failed internal virtual machines before these virtual machines are deleted. You must enable the internal VM debug mode before you create an instant-clone desktop pool or farm. Horizon Agent Fails to Disconnect on an iPad Pro Horizon ClientThe SUSE Horizon Agent connection fails to disconnect after a restart or shutdown on a iPad Pro Horizon Client. SSO Fails to Connect to a PowerOff AgentSingle Sign-On (SSO) does not connect to a PowerOff agent. Unreachable VM After Creating a Manual Desktop Pool for Linux The virtual machine state is not responding.